Spoilers for Invincible Season 2 Episode 6
The episode opens with The Lizard King holding a gun at the back of Rex’s head at the military missile base. Lizard King ends up shooting Rex in the back of the head, leaving him dead on the floor with his fallen companions.
While this is happening, Invincible and the other Guardians of the Globe continue to fight the sequids in the Martian ship. The Guardians all protect Robot as he creates a high-frequency machine to be able to knock out the sequids for enough time to take them down and get them off, Russ. Eve passes out after her shield is broken, leaving Shapesmith no option but to make himself into a bubble around both Eve and Robot to protect them from the sequids. Robot finishes the machine and gives it to Invincible. Invincible flies towards Russ while the Immortal guards his back. They are able to reach Russ and activate the machine, leaving all the sequids incapacitated. Right when Guardians had thought they won, it is shown that Eve and Rubi (Robot) both got controlled by the sequids before the machine went off. Invincible and Immortal are forced to catch both Eve and Robot and bring them toward the machine to knock the sequids out. Thankfully they are able to do it on time and save both Eve and Robot.
Back at the military missile base, Rex is seen alive as the bullet from Lizard King did not end up killing him. He gets up and fights the Lizard King, killing him with his amputated hand that Komodo Dragon had eaten previously. During this sequence, it is also shown that Shrinking Rae is alive as well when she crawls out of Komodo Dragon’s body.
As the Guardians of the Globe are trying to leave the Martian ship with the rescued Russ after defeating the sequids, the Martian people of the ship say that Shapesmith is not allowed to leave and has to face death for his actions. They all end up running and taking a Martian ship but are chased by other Martians. Invincible flies out of their ship and destroys the other Martian ships to allow them to escape with Shapesmith and go back to Earth. On their journey back to Earth, the Immortal acknowledges Invincible and all the good work he did during the mission. When they return home they go straight to the hospital to see their comrades. All of them are distraught and saddened by what happened to Rex, Rae, and Kate at the missile base.
After visiting the hospital, Mark goes back home so that he can see his mom (Debbie) and brother. Debbie tells Mark how Cecil came to their house to talk to her about Mark’s brother offering to take care of him so Debbie won’t have to. She also explains that she rejected his offer because the kid is Mark’s brother so he is family. Debbie tells Mark that she has named his brother Oliver, after his grandpa. Later, Mark attends Kate’s funeral that is held by Cecil and the Guardians of the Globe. At the funeral, Immortal gives a speech in Kate’s honor, even shedding a tear due to the love he had for her.
Mark and Amber are finally able to meet up again after Mark’s mission to space. They get coffee together but they both act unnaturally awkward around each other during their date. Both end up talking about their relationship, more specifically the difficulty of the relationship due to Mark being a superhero whose priority is to be there when people need his help. After his date with Amber, Mark returns to his dorm to find Rick back at the University after Donald had brought him in. Donald explains that due to the extensive body reconstruction that Rick went through after Dr. Sinclair’s experiments, he will not be the same person that he was before.
Cecil visits Eve at her tree house after the mission in space. He talks with her and offers her a spot on the Guardians of the Globe if she wants to join again. Eve denies his offer, explaining that she is still trying to figure out what sort of hero she wants to be, but that if Cecil needs her then he knows where to find her. Cecil understands her decisions but tells her that the offer still stands if she changes her mind before he leaves. Right as Cecil leaves, Amber shows up to Eve’s tree house looking to talk about Mark and their relationship. At the same time, Mark goes to see Art for some girl advice. While Mark talks to Art and Amber talks with Eve, the conversations parallel as both of them seem to know where their relationship may be headed. Before Mark leaves Art, he admits to Art that seeing his father made him realize how much he has missed him even after everything he has done. Mark also tells him how Nolan told him to read his books right before Nolan was taken by the Viltrumites. This is when Art reveals that Nolan wrote more than just travel books. He wrote sci-fi books under a different name while Mark was little, and Nolan had given all those books to Art. Art gives the books to Mark in the hope that they will help him figure out what Nolan hid within them.
Back at the Pentagon, Cecil tries to convince Immortal to not retire because the world needs him. Immortal is set on retiring, saying that his judgment is not as good as it used to be or has to be for him to be able to lead the Guardians of the Globe. In the middle of the conversation, Cecil gets an alert of someone heading towards Earth. Immortal instantly flies away to encounter whoever is headed towards Earth; since he thinks it is Nolan/Omni Man. Turns out, it was Allen headed towards Earth, but Immortal fights him anyway thinking that Allen is a bad guy. They both fight until Invincible shows up to stop them, clarifying to Immortal that Allen is a good guy and is here to talk with him. Immortal leaves and Allen follows Invincible back to his dorm room.
In the dorm room, Allen and Mark talk for the first time in a while. Allen explains everything about Theadus and how he is a Viltrumite as well and is ready to start a rebellion against the Viltrum Empire. Mark tells Allen about what happened at Thraxan and what happened to Nolann during the fight with the Viltrumites. Allen asks Mark to come with him to space to talk with Theadus, but Mark declines harshly saying he is not going back to space. He does however give Allen all of Nolan’s books to scan because he believes that the books have weaknesses and secrets on how to be able to kill and stop Viltrumites. Before Allen leaves, Mark tells him that when he and the rebellion end up needing him for the real fight against the Viltrumites, he will be there to help. The episode ends with Russ back at his apartment, as he is cleaning it he throws up in the sink and another sequid comes out. The sequid attaches itself to him again and controls him just like before.
This episode continues to prove why Invincible is one of the best pieces of superhero media out right now. The stakes are at an all-time high, with them somehow increasing more and more with every episode. The animation continues to impress, with the action sequences looking absolutely incredible. The writing in this episode improves from the last, truly letting the audience feel the raw emotions of the characters through the dialogue of this episode. Voice acting continues to be great, with the standouts for this episode being Jason Mantzoukas as Rex and Jonathan Groff as Rick. Although both characters have minimal screen time in this episode, both voice actors steal every scene they are in with their tremendous and emotionally powerful performances.
Overall, season 2 episode 6 of Invincible continues to shine as the season builds towards its peak. The story keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they wonder what will happen next.
Rating: 8.5/10