*Spoilers for Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 8*
The Hazbin Hotel season 1 finale opened with Vox looking at the hotel and the crew through some secret cameras he had. The crew and cannibals begin to get ready for the extermination from the angels. Cherrybomb comes to the hotel to fight alongside Angel in the extermination. Charlie looks at the pictures of her family, scared of what might come ahead. Vaggie goes to her and signs to her about how much Charlie has changed and how much she loves Charlie. While this happens, Adam is seen in heaven hyping up his troops as they all get ready to go down to hell. Adam even puts a bounty on Vaggie’s head as he is looking to be able to kill her. To help Charlie and the hotel, Alastor uses his power to create a shield around the hotel to give the demons a better chance against the angels in the extermination.
Adam destroys the shield with his ray powers, and he chases after Alastor to fight him. Alastor and Adam go back and forth fighting until Adam eventually gets the best out of Alastor and slashes him, leaving him almost dead. Alastor ends up retreating away from the war to survive. Sir Pentious decides to go to his ship to try and kill Adam once and for all. he kisses Cherrybomb before going into the ship. Right as he gets in the ship and charges the cannon, Adam uses his ray powers again to make the ship and Pentious disappear. Charlie fights Adam after using her strongest powers, while Vaggie fights the top-ranked angel. Vaggie can get the best out of the other angel, while Charlie gets defeated by Adam. Charlie is scared for her life before Lucifer shows up to protect her from Adam. Lucifer uses all his powers and fights Adam with Charlie, beating him up to the brink of death. Lucifer was ready to kill Adam until Charlie stopped him and told Lucifer to be merciful. This is when Nifty shows up at the last second and stabs Adam in the back, killing him once and for all.
The top-ranked angel decides to call off the attack on the demons and tells all the angels to retreat to Heaven. Across Hell, news spread describing the events of the extermination, specifically the efforts of Charlie and the hotel crew which brought the extermination to a halt. The crew walks around the hotel’s rubble, reminiscing about Sir Pentious and his sacrifice. Charlie begins to fix up the hotel with the help of Lucifer before the rest of the crew join in to rebuild the new and improved, Hazbin Hotel.
This season finale of Hazbin Hotel was fantastic, with some of the most stunning visuals of the series thus far, more specifically during the extermination fight. The visuals were a big part of making this episode stand out from some of the others. The colors were vibrant and strong while the drawings and animation were incredible. The voice acting was great with by far the biggest stand out being Erika Henningsen as Charlie’s morning star. She carries this episode on her back delivering some very powerful and emotional voice acting that fits the character of Charlie perfectly. The writing is great in this episode too, feeling dark and detailed, very different from some of the prior episodes.
Overall Hazbin Hotel season 1 episode 8 was a very satisfying finale to a very enjoyable and fun season of television. At the same time, it is also a great setup for what will come ahead in the next season of Hazbin Hotel.
Rating. 8.5/10