*Spoilers for Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 6*
Episode 6 begins with Charlie anxiously packing her bag for the meeting in Heaven. Vaggie tries to not go to Heaven with Charlie but ultimately Charlie convinces her to go, and Vaggie agrees. As Charlie and Vaggie get ready to leave, Cherri Bomb breaks through the wall of the hotel looking for Angel. Cherri explains that she is longtime friends with Angel and has been getting depressing messages from him, so she decided to take him out for a night of fun. Charlie ends up telling Cherri that she should take the whole crew allowing them to also have fun and relax after all the hard work they have put into the hotel recently.
Charlie and Vaggie arrive in Heaven through a portal and are greeted at the gates of Heaven by the Angel Saint Peter. As St. Peter checks the list to enter Heaven, Sera the high seraphim comes down from the clouds with Emily, the other seraphim. They greet Charlie and welcome her to Heaven, guiding her right through the gates. Once inside, St. Peter breaks out into a song where he explains how great Heaven is. Charlie is amazed by everything inside Heaven, while Vaggie seems uninterested. As they all walk down the streets of Heaven, they walk past Adam who seems upset by Charlie and Vaggie being in Heaven. Adam talks with Sera and she explains that because of the extermination, Lucifer is now getting involved and was able to get his daughter a meeting with the council. She also says that if she had known what would happen, she would have never let Adam start the extermination.
At the meeting, Charlie asks the court to check the progress that Angel has made since being at the hotel. The court agrees so they open a portal to let them see what Angel is doing. Angel and the hotel crew are seen at a nightclub with Cherri drinking shots together. Charlie pleads to have the council continue watching, instead of losing faith in Angel. Emily convinces the council to continue watching. As Angel and the crew keep taking shots, Angel starts to get more and more concerned about Nifty since he believes she has had too much to drink. Cherri tells Angel to not care and instead, takes more drugs and shots. Angel denies this and goes looking for Nifty because he does not want her to end up drunk and messed up like he used to. While he is trying to get ahold of Nifty, she goes over to the VIP table where Valentino is sitting. Valentino sees Nifty and starts trying to see if he can get her to work for him. That is when Angel shows up and finally stands up to Valentino. Angel tells Valentino that he can control him on the set, but outside of it, he can’t and he won’t hurt any of his friends. Back at the court, Charlie explains how Angel did everything that Adam said you have to do to get into Heaven. She questions why he isn’t in Heaven and the whole court gets confused as none of them understand what gets someone into Heaven.
Sera tries to put an end to the questions, but that is when Emily steps in and breaks out into a song. In this song, she talks about how Charlie has proven that souls can indeed change, and Angel is an example of that. Charlie hops into the song as well, saying that it is not fair that souls cannot be redeemed. Adam also joins the song, saying that the souls in Hell had their chance and blew it, which is why they are in Hell. He also reveals that he cannot wait to go down to Hell for the extermination. The whole court, including Emily, is shocked by this revelation since none of them knew about the extermination that Adam was carrying out in Hell. Emily gets angry at Sera and sings to Charlie that the rules are broken and need to be changed. That is when Adam decides to reveal in the song that Vaggie is an angel, not a demon, this makes Charlie break down in sadness. Sera puts an end to the song and says that there is no evidence that souls can be redeemed and calls off the court. Emily tells Charlie to hang on as she and Vaggie are sent back down to Hell by Adam. The episode ends with Sera telling Emily that if she starts to question things and what they do in Heaven, then she will end up like Lucifer, the fallen angel.
This is far and away the best episode of Hazbin Hotel. It combines all the great elements of the show while elevating the stakes of the story to a whole new level. The voice acting is impeccable in this episode. All the voice actors have moments to shine but the two that stand out the most are Erika Henningsen as Charlie Morningstar and Blake Roman as Angel Dust. Both of these actors were able to elevate their emotional performances through their voice acting in this episode, truly standing above the rest. The visuals are beautiful, with Heaven looking like the polar opposite to Hell. The new character designs are unique and different from the other characters that the audience has seen, so it allows the new characters to stand out. The songs are also great in this episode, they feel more emotionally impactful than the songs in prior episodes. The writing in this episode is the best it has been in the entire show. The jokes feel real and land perfectly, while the emotional points of the story hit home perfectly.
Overall, Hazbin Hotel takes a huge step forward with this episode as it approaches the season finale. The stakes feel higher than ever within the story, and audiences will be dying to know what happens next to their beloved characters.
Rating: 9/10