*Spoilers for Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 5*
The episode begins with Charlie staying up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn’t working, and why the demons haven’t been redeemed. Vaggie tells Charlie that maybe she should talk to her father, to try and get his help to better the hotel. Charlie ends up agreeing with Vaggie and decides to call her father to see if he can get her a meeting with Heaven to talk with the angels about her rehabilitation hotel. When Lucifer answers the call, he is seen in his place, making rubber ducks which he has an abundance of. During the call, Charlie invites Lucifer to her hotel so that he can see what she is trying to do. He agrees to go and is excited that his daughter wants to see him for once.
When Lucifer arrives at the hotel, he gives Charlie a very tight and big hug, for what seems to be the first time in a long time. The first person that Lucifer meets in the hotel is Alastor. The two are seen passively arguing around Charlie, and Lucifer gets angered once Alastor starts getting touchy with Charlie. After this, Charlie takes Lucifer to meet the rest of the hotel crew, including Vaggie, who she presents to Lucifer as her girlfriend.
Once the introductions are done, Charlie takes Lucifer around the hotel. This is where he breaks out into a song explaining how he can help Charlie make the hotel a success. In the song, he also talks about how with his help, she is going to be able to let go of Alastor. This is when Alastor joins the song, explaining that he has always been there for Charlie, to help her and support her with the hotel.
After the song ends, a new demon named Mimsy enters the hotel. She tells the hotel crew how she has been friends with Alastor for a long time, and even tells them the story of Alastor before he disappeared. As everyone is talking in the hotel, mafia demons show up and start trying to destroy the hotel because they were on the chance for Mimsy. Alastor decides to use all his power to kill the mafia demons to ensure that nothing happens to the hotel. While Alastor takes care of the mafia demons, Lucifer sings to Charlie that he has tried to do what she is doing, and ultimately heaven didn’t listen to him nor did they care. Lucifer also sings how all he wants is to protect Charlie and keep her safe. Charlie joins the song and says how she always wanted to understand Lucifer and be closer to him. She also says that she wants to protect and take care of her people, which is why she needs a meeting with heaven.
This episode has been the best one in the series thus far. It perfectly encapsulates what makes this show entertaining. The dialogue is witty and funny while being emotional in the important parts of the episode. The emotional scenes feel impactful and real within the story and the way each character acts. The voice acting is fantastic in this episode, with Jeremy Jordan as Lucifer and Amir Talai as Alastor being the standouts while also having incredible chemistry. Erika Henningsen becomes Charlie in this episode and probably has some of her best voice acting in the series so far. The animation takes risks in this episode, with the set pieces and musical numbers being more vibrant and more detailed than those in prior episodes.
Overall, Hazbin Hotel reaches a whole new level with this episode. The uniqueness of the show and the story makes audiences continue along the journey of these characters every week.
Rating: 8.5/10