Review: ‘Cobra Kai’ Season 6, Episode 4 “Underdogs”

After the reveal of only six fighters being able to participate in the Sekai Taikai, we start with Daniel and Johnny giving the students a talk about how they need the best of the best. We see a training montage of all the students preparing to be chosen. During this montage, Demetri and Devon clearly lack confidence about being able to go to the tournament. 

We then cut to Robby, Miguel, Sam, and Tory in school. Robby asks if there’s a chance that they are not in the top four. Tory cockily answers but Sam jokingly tells her to be humble. Robby replies they have two all-valley champs and two runner-ups. The camera smoothly moves over to Hawk and Demetri, who believes Hawk is a no-brainer for the tournament. Hawk tells Demetri that the sixth spot is up for grabs, and that the spot is his. Demetri believes it will go to Kenny. Demetri then brings up MIT, making Hawk uncomfortable. The camera then moves to Devon and Anthony  bragging about each other’s skills.  Kenny joins the conversation, and we see some lingering tension between Anthony and Kenny. 

Next, we cut to Daniel’s office with him telling Johnny they must talk about the six fighters going to the Sekai Taikai. Daniel’s top four are Sam, Robby, Miguel, and Hawk. Johnny agrees but he wants to change the order. Daniel’s fifth is Demetri, While Johnny believes it should be Tory.  Daniel tells Johnny he doesn’t believe Tory is balanced enough to commit to Miyagi-Do. Johnny then retorts that Mr. Miyagi would’ve ranked Tory above Daniel. Realizing they are too biased, Daniel comes up with an idea although he admits it’s a bad one. 

Over at Miyagi-Do we learn that Daniel’s idea was to bring in Mike Barnes. Daniel believes that since Mike doesn’t know the students he can be fair and balanced. Mike shows himself to be a tough sensei. He says he will do to the students what the Sekai Taikai will do to them. He trains them in speed, strength, endurance, and teamwork. For speed, the students must try and catch a chicken; for strength, they break wooden boards; for endurance, they must stay in a squatting position while holding a rock; and for teamwork, they must fight in teams. Kenny catches the chicken while Hawk, Demetri, and Anthony excel in strength. Devon wins the endurance competition and Robby and Miguel excel in teamwork. 

Still at Miyagi-Do, Mike announces the final twelve in consideration for the Sekai Taikai. He picks Hawk, Robby, Miguel, Sam, Tory, Muscles, Kenny, Nate, Chris, Demetri, Devon and Anthony. The twelve will fight for the top six spots for the Sekai Taikai. Johnny then talks to Devon, who is upset despite getting to the next round. She tells Johnny that Mike congratulated Kenny, Sam, and Tory but she won the endurance competition and got nothing. Devon expresses that she doesn’t want to disappoint Johnny. Johnny tells her that she won’t disappoint him. The next day, the twelve get ready for their next challenge. Hawk and Miguel begin talking after he notices Hawk’s face when Demetri mentions MIT. Hawk reveals that he didn’t apply. He wants to explore his options and look at other schools. Miguel urges Hawk to tell Demetri. 

The twelve are receive their challenge: a game of capture the flag. Whoever has the most flags wins. The competition begins with Devon frustrated at her performance and Mike ignoring her.  Anthony performs well until Kenny confronts him; the two fight with Kenny overpowering Anthony, and giving him a bloody nose. Daniel checks on Anthony and Mike tells Anthony that he is out. When the challenge ends, Sam, Miguel, Robby, and Tory are the top four officially chosen to be in the Sekai Taikai. Hawk, Demetri, Devon, and Kenny are tied. Mike tells them he will review his notes. Johnny tells Devon that Mike was watching her the whole time, but Devon says he only saw her bad moments.

We cut to Mike in his woodworking shop. Johnny arrives and apologizes for their argument during the challenge. Mike accepts the apology albeit with condescension. Mike then questions Johnny’s true intention: to see if Devon made the cut. Mike reveals she didn’t make it, and insults Miyagi-Do karate. The conversation gets intense and the two come to blows with Johnny winning  after Mike concedes. After Johnny apologizes, Mike admits that since karate has been back in his life, he has been itching for a fight believing it would help him recapture some of his power. Johnny then asks Mike to check his notes to see if he really gave Devon a fair chance. 

We then move to a park where Mike has called the Miyagi-Do dojo. After all the students gather, Mike announces that after reviewing his notes, it’s too close to call. The bottom four must compete in one final challenge. Two flags are in the woods. Whichever two bring a flag back wins and the other two are eliminated. Demetri asks what if two people find a flag at the same time? Mike tells them they have to fight for it. Daniel has some trepidation as there are no refs but Johnny believes this is the fairest way. Johnny goes over to Devon, who doubts that she will win as Kenny is faster, Demetri is bigger and Hawk is more experienced. Johnny gives her a pep talk. 

Hawk and Demetri talk before the challenge starts with Demetri bringing up MIT again. Hawk finally tells Demetri that he didn’t apply and the two argue. The challenge begins and they run into the woods. Kenny and Hawk are faster and go down different paths. Demetri and Devon catch up, with Devon following Kenny and Demetri following Hawk. 

A brief cut shows Muscles asking where his laxatives are. When we return to the challenge, Kenny’s stomach begins to gurgle and we learn that someone put the laxatives in his water. Devon passes Kenny who runs to the bathroom but doesn’t make it in time. Devon returns with the flag and will be the fifth fighter in the Sekai Taikai. 

We then see Hawk find his flag, but Demetri stops him.  Hawk tells Demetri they won’t be in the Sekai Taikai together now. The two begin to fight arguing over MIT. Hawk hits Demetri, hard, but feels guilty. He helps Demetri up but Demetri knocks Hawk down and takes the flag. Demetri returns with the flag earning the sixth spot. Hawk returns sad and defeated. Devon goes up to Kenny, who is still embarrassed about his accident. Devon apologizes but Kenny believes that Anthony put the laxatives in his water as revenge for beating him in the flag challenge. Devon asks if Kenny will tell the senseis, but Kenny says that Daniel, Anthony’s dad, won’t believe him anyway. In a surprising reveal, we learn that Devon sabotaged Kenny. She quickly disposes of the evidence and is congratulated by Johnny before leaving.

Daniel goes off on Johnny over his fight with Mike, saying it caused Hawk to lose. Johnny tells Daniel that he isn’t going to sit back and will fight for the people he cares about, even with a Miyagi-Do patch on his back. Daniel then asks if Johnny believes they have the strongest team. Johnny thinks they can handle anything but Daniel tells him they have no idea what they’re up against. Cut to Black.

Overall, this was a great episode. Mike Barnes was a great addition to the episode. The focus on Devon, Demetri, Kenny, and Hawk was a good change of pace. We knew there would be some infighting and it was nice to see it not be Miguel, Robby, Tory, and Sam. It shows their growth and maturity. The twist of Devon sabotaging Kenny will yield some great moments, especially between her and Johnny, who went to bat for her the entire episode. Hawk and Demetri’s relationship is in a weird place right now, and it will be interesting to see where it goes after this. Strong writing, great development, and fun moments. This was Cobra Kai season six’s strongest offering so far.

Rating: 9/10

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