Review: ‘Cobra Kai’ Season 6, Episode 3 “Sleeper”

After the ominous ending of the last episode, we start with something a little more wholesome. people are setting up a gender reveal party for Carmen and Johnny. In this scene, we see Sam and Tory still getting along, much to the happiness of Robby and Miguel. In Daniel’s living room, Chozen asks if Johnny wants a boy or a girl. He claims he is good either way as he did well with Miguel and Robby and girls are easy. A knock at the door reveals no one there but a package, which begins to tick. Daniel and Johnny believe it’s a bomb sent by Kreese,  or even Terry Silver. We see everyone talking in the kitchen when they hear an explosion. Johnny walks in with pink dust on his shirt as the package was for the party,  revealing that he and Carmen are having a girl. everyone laughs at Daniel, who covered head to toe in dust, claims he is too old for this. 

We cut to Kreese and Kim Da-Eun walking through her dojo. She describes the difference between her students and the American students she taught. She brags about her star student, Yoon. He is the most disciplined of her students and wears a special badge showing he is the best. However, Kreese takes an interest in Kwon who is by far the most talented student but is rebellious and undisciplined. Kwon performs the drill they are working on his way and is punished by Kim Da-Eun. She claims Kwon is a distraction and Kreese tells her he will handle her distraction. 

We are taken to Miyagi-Do, where Sam and Tory are training. Johnny tells them to spar but Sam and Tory hold back making it clear they have lost their edge. Another student, Devon, worries about Sam and Tory during the Sekai Taikai, and Johnny realizes she is right. Following a brief cut to Hawk and other students talking about the location of the Sekai Taikai, Daniel and Amanda show up and Johnny tells them that Sam and Tory have lost their edge. Daniel then tells Johnny to work his magic.  Johnny tells Devon that she is having people over at her house tonight. 

We then cut to Daniel, Amanda, and Chozen at Mr. Miyagi’s house, where Chozen will be staying. They help him move in and  find an old box under a floorboard. In the next scene, Kim Da-Eun introduces the students to Kreese. He talks about Johnny and how he was the best but he was beaten by Daniel, who he describes as a scrawny little runt with only six weeks of training. He then tells them the reason Daniel beat Johnny was because he had more heart and asks them how to defeat an opponent who has more heart. Students answer but he tells them they are wrong. Yoon answers and Kreese smiles, however, Kwon makes a joke of the lesson. Kreese then goes to Kwon and tells him he can see Kwon doesn’t take him seriously. Kreese whispers he will show him how serious he is. 

We then see Tory and Sam arrive at Devon’s house. Tory and Sam believe they are there for training but when they get into the basement, Johnny is there and setting up a slumber party for them. Devon asks how this will help. Johnny mentions that Ali, his ex-girlfriend, used to tell him all about her slumber parties and they were nonstop drama and caused conflict. He believes this will help Tory and Sam get their edge back as they need conflict. 

We then return to Amanda, Daniel, and Chozen still looking at the box. After Amanda makes them open the box, they find a fake ID and a newspaper clipping about a robbery and an assault naming Mr. Miyagi as the assailant. However, the first name is different. The three find an address for a boxing gym and Amanda urges them to go investigate.  Back at Kim Da-Eun’s dojo, Kreese is punishing the students with a rigorous drill, and he makes sure to blame Kwon. Kim Da-Eun asks if wasting a whole day of training is necessary to punish Kwon. Kreese argues that it’s not a punishment but a lesson. Yoon then lashes out at Kwon, telling him that the rest of them are tired of his disrespect. They argue some more and Yoon knocks Kwon down the stairs. Kim Da-Eun is angry that Yoon let Kwon distract him.  Kreese tells her that only through pain, a champion reveals himself. 

We then cut to the slumber party and see a montage of Johnny trying his best to provoke Sam and Tory to no avail. He tries everything, from making  them have a pillow fight, to trying to get Sam to say negative things about Tory on the ouija board But, they see right through him. 

We then see Amanda, Chozen and Daniel go to the address in Mr. Miyagi’s box. It’s revealed to be a rundown boxing gym. They are rudely greeted  by a customer and Daniel asks if anyone knows Mr. Miyagi. A man runs thinking they are cops. Daniel and Chozen finally catch up to the man and they show him the ID. He tells them he knows Mr. Miyagi. 

Back at the slumber party, Sam and Tory are hanging out watching videos on their phones. Devon tells Johnny that there is no drama but Johnny says all they need is one spark. While Sam is showing Tory a video, Robby calls. Tory seems jealous as Sam and Robby used to date, but we learn that Johnny stole Robby’s phone and this is just another one of his plans. Johnny then texts Tory as Miguel, whose phone he also stole. The text says he wants to get back together with her. The girls quickly catch on that Johnny is behind this and they confront him and end up leaving. 

We then return to Kreese confronted by Kwon, who blames him for getting the students angry at him. He asks Kreese if he thinks he is afraid of the other students. Kreese says that he knows Kwon is not afraid of anything. He thinks he is cocky and disrespectful, but if he combines that with skill and strength he can be one of the most terrifying fighters in the Sekai Taikai. Kreese then tells Kwon to take all the anger inside of him and give it purpose.  Kwon walks up to Yoon and two other students and they begin to fight. Kwon defeats Yoon and the other students easily, stealing the badge that Yoon wears. Kim Da-Eun witnesses this and looks back at Kreese, who looks on proudly.

We then cut to Chozen and Daniel, back at the gym with the man who knew Mr. Miyagi. The man explains that Mr. Miyagi was a close friend of his grandfather’s. Mr. Miyagi was a silent partner in his grandfather’s boxing gym, which he now owns. Daniel then asks about the fake ID and why he used the gym’s address as his home address. The man reveals that Mr. Miyagi fled America with the help of his grandfather as he committed the robbery in the newspaper clipping. Daniel is saddened to learn that Mr. Miyagi had this side to him. The man however tells them Mr. Miyagi was a good man and his grandfather trusted Mr. Miyagi with his life. 

We then return to Sam and Tory as they wait for Ubers to take them home. Sam expresses disbelief that Johnny would believe they would fall for his trick, however Tory reminds Sam that she has tried to steal her boyfriend before. We are reminded when Sam was drunk, she kissed Miguel, who was dating Tory at the time which led to the infamous school fight. Sam argues that was over a year ago. When  Tory then asks if that makes it okay, Sam  retorts that what Tory did after that wasn’t. Johnny and Devon see them arguing much to Johnny’s pleasure. The two then bring up all the things they have done to each other. Tory mentions the start of the feud; Sam accused Tory of stealing Amanda’s wallet. And even after Sam learned it wasn’t Tory, she never apologized. Sam then finally admits her part in their rivalry and apologizes. Tory also apologizes for taking things way too far. The two cry and hug, finally working out their problems.

We cut to Daniel, Amanda, and Chozen back at Mr. Miyagi’s house. Daniel is upset that Mr. Miyagi never told him about this but Amanda argues that parents don’t tell their children everything. Chozen tells Daniel that Mr. Miyagi was a good man, and Amanda gives Daniel advice about spending time with the people they love. They bid Chozen goodnight and, inspired by Amanda’s advice, Daniel books a flight to Okinawa. 

We return to Kreese giving a speech to the students about defeating an opponent with more heart, by being heartless. Kwon, who is now the star student, tells Kreese he is ready. Kreese tells the students that their opponents will throw everything at them. Kwon tells them they will give them no mercy. Kim Da-Eun proclaims with Kwon in line, that no dojo can stand against them. 

We then cut to Miyagi-Do where Sam and Tory are sparring. They finally have their edge back. Devon tells Johnny that their breakthrough last night really helped them and the two share a fistbump. Daniel, who is getting ready for the lesson, talks to a picture of Mr. Miyagi when Hawk calls everyone over. The announcement of the location of the Sekai Taikai has been released, and it’s revealed that the tournament will take place in Barcelona, Spain. But in a twist, we learn that only six of the dojo’s best fighters represent in the tournament. Robby asks what this means and Miguel says not all of them will be going to the tournament. Cut to Black.

Overall, this was a great episode, with the focus on Sam and Tory’s relationship being the episode’s strong point. The two have been rivals for so long and to see them finally be on the same page is fun. Seeing Kreese up to his old tricks will make his ultimate downfall that much more satisfying. The twist of having only six fighters compete in the tournament will lead to some great moments as well as some great fights. This episode did a really good job, with its development, set-up of things to come and it’s storytelling. Cobra Kai season 6 is on its way to being a great season. 

Rating: 8/10


















































We then return to Sam and Tory as they wait for Ubers to take them home. Sam expresses disbelief that Johnny would believe they would fall for his trick, however Tory reminds Sam that she has tried to steal her boyfriend before. We are reminded when Sam was drunk, she kissed Miguel, who was dating Tory at the time which led to the infamous school fight. Sam argues that was over a year ago. When  Tory then asks if that makes it okay, Sam  retorts that what Tory did after that wasn’t. Johnny and Devon see them arguing much to Johnny’s pleasure. The two then bring up all the things they have done to each other. Tory mentions the start of the feud; Sam accused Tory of stealing Amanda’s wallet. And even after Sam learned it wasn’t Tory, she never apologized. Sam then finally admits her part in their rivalry and apologizes. Tory also apologizes for taking things way too far. The two cry and hug, finally working out their problems.


We cut to Daniel, Amanda, and Chozen back at Mr. Miyagi’s house. Daniel is upset that Mr. Miyagi never told him about this but Amanda argues that parents don’t tell their children everything. Chozen tells Daniel that Mr. Miyagi was a good man, and Amanda gives Daniel advice about spending time with the people they love. They bid Chozen goodnight and, inspired by Amanda’s advice, Daniel books a flight to Okinawa. 


We return to Kreese giving a speech to the students about defeating an opponent with more heart, by being heartless. Kwon, who is now the star student, tells Kreese he is ready. Kreese tells the students that their opponents will throw everything at them. Kwon tells them they will give them no mercy. Kim Da-Eun proclaims with Kwon in line, that no dojo can stand against them. 


We then cut to Miyagi-Do where Sam and Tory are sparring. They finally have their edge back. Devon tells Johnny that their breakthrough last night really helped them and the two share a fistbump. Daniel, who is getting ready for the lesson, talks to a picture of Mr. Miyagi when Hawk calls everyone over. The announcement of the location of the Sekai Taikai has been released, and it’s revealed that the tournament will take place in Barcelona, Spain. But in a twist, we learn that only six of the dojo’s best fighters represent in the tournament. Robby asks what this means and Miguel says not all of them will be going to the tournament. Cut to Black.


Overall, this was a great episode, with the focus on Sam and Tory’s relationship being the episode’s strong point. The two have been rivals for so long and to see them finally be on the same page is fun. Seeing Kreese up to his old tricks will make his ultimate downfall that much more satisfying. The twist of having only six fighters compete in the tournament will lead to some great moments as well as some great fights. This episode did a really good job, with its development, set-up of things to come and it’s storytelling. Cobra Kai season 6 is on its way to being a great season. 


Rating: 8/10

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