Review: ‘Cobra Kai’ Season 6, Episode 2 “The Prize”

After the ending of Kreese in South Korea, we start with a flashback of a young John Kreese and Terry Silver. They are getting ready to leave South Korea and go back to America. John says hi to a young Kim Da-Eun. However, she is caught by her grandfather, Master Kim, who tells her that the training ground is for students only. Kreese defends her and is beaten by Master Kim. Kim Da-Eun stands up to her grandfather. Being proud of her, he finally agrees to train her. Back in the present, Kreese is brought to Kim Da-Eun by her students. The two share a sinister smile.

We then cut to Miguel reading his college essay to Robby, Johnny, Carmen, and his grandmother. Everyone agrees it’s a great essay, even though Robby jokingly takes offense to being the bad guy.  He doesn’t care as he is not applying to Stanford or anywhere, but Johnny reassures him that after the Sekai Taikai, both he and Miguel will have bright futures ahead of them. Miguel’s grandmother embraces him and begins to cry with her tears getting on Miguel’s computer. However, we soon learn that it’s not her tears, but the sewage pipe started to leak through the ceiling, leaving the family to find a new house. Carmen tells Johnny they should consider their options as they live in a two-bedroom apartment with five people and a sixth incoming, along with Miguel going to an expensive college. They are short on funds. Johnny tells her the tournament will fix everything but Carmen retorts that it’s months away and they need a fix now. Miguel overhears this and feels guilty for contributing to his mother’s stress. 

In the next scene, Kim Da-Eun and Kreese walk through her dojo. Kreese apologizes for not being there for her in the Valley last season. Kim Da-Eun says she was blinded by bringing her grandfather’s karate to the world. Kreese tells her they still can as they qualified for Sekai Taikai. Kim Da-Eun agrees, but it’s not up to her. Kreese and Kim Da-Eun enter a hut where we see Master Kim, still alive. 

We then see Miguel at a college fair. He is greeted by Sam, who has several brochures but assures Miguel some of them are close to Stanford. They meet up with Hawk and Demetri, who have their sights set on MIT. Sam leaves and Hawk asks if Miguel is applying to Stanford. He says he is but it’s expensive and he needs to find some safety schools. The three are approached by a local rep from College of The Valley. Miguel takes an interest especially after he hears it lessens the financial burden on his mother and Johnny. 

We cut to Johnny arriving at Daniel’s house needing to borrow his air mattress. He tells Daniel and Amanda about what happened at Carmen’s house and that he needs to rent. Chozen comes in and proves he is an expert as he watches several real estate shows. Daniel suggests that Johnny take Chozen and look for houses together. We then move to Kreese talking to Master Kim. Kreese tries to convince Master Kim to help him but he declines as it failed before. Master Kim then insults Kreese as a student and as a sensei but Kreese tells him that one of his students took out five of his. Impressed, Master Kim offers him a chance. 

We then see, Hawk, Demetri, and Miguel on a tour for College of The Valley. During the tour, they run into Kyler, a former Cobra Kai student, and Brucks, another former student who Hawk brutally beat up when he was in a bad place. Brucks forgives Hawk. Kyler attends the school while Brucks is just visiting as he attends MIT, much to the shock of Demetri and Hawk. 

Next, Chozen and Johnny are at an open house. The real estate agent comes over and Chozen pretends he is an independent realtor and Johnny is a partner in a thriving Valley business. Johnny however blows the negotiation by telling the real estate agent too much information about his personal life. The agent calls Johnny unstable and Johnny threatens to beat him up. Johnny and Chozen leave the house in anger.Meanwhile, to prove himself, Kreese goes on a quest to retrieve a knife from a deep cave.

There he encounters a snake. Kreese tries to grab the knife and reptile, but the snake bites him and he passes out. We then see Hawk, Miguel, and Demetri at a frat party where we learn that Kyler is the victim of hazing the frat leader. Miguel goes to talk to Kyler after witnessing the hazing. He asks if Kyler is going to take that but Kyler says that he is fine as he is a pledge. Kyler expresses that he will run the house. Later, Miguel overhears two frat bros talking about Kyler and learns that they have no intention of letting Kyler in. 

We then cut to Johnny and Chozen. Chozen expresses that he thought Johnny embraced Miyagi-Do, Johnny argues that he did, as he meditates and does yoga at the dojo.  Chozen tells him Miyagi-Do isn’t just for the dojo but it’s a way of life. Johnny agrees that he shouldn’t have insulted the agent’s hair. While Chozen agrees it was stupid, the two laugh and go into the next house. 

Back with Johnny and Chozen, Johnny expresses he likes a new house, but the agent from before is selling it. He insults Johnny’s car and family. Johnny grows angry but practices Miyagi-Do and calms down. They go to leave but are stopped by the owner of the house, Little Stevie. He idolized Johnny when he was in middle school and he saw him fight in the All-Valley in 1983. Stevie asks what Johnny is doing there. Chozen goes to speak, but Johnny tells him the truth about trying to make a better life for himself and his family. Stevie tells Johnny that he would be honored to rent his house to him. He tells him to get his financial situation worked out and they can work something out. Chozen smiles and tells Johnny that it’s good karma. 

Back in the cave, Kreese wakes up from his snake bite and begins hallucinating. He first sees Terry Silver, who tells him that while Kreese is his weakness, he is not Kreese’s. Kreese then sees his true weakness: Johnny. Kreese argues with Johnny about how he goes against everything he’s ever been taught. Kreese and Johnny begin to fight with Kreese winning, finally overcoming his weakness. He wakes up and hears the snake hissing. Kreese eventually kills the snake. 

Back at the frat house, Miguel and Kyler are talking when the frat leader makes Kyler clean the food off the floor with his mouth, calling him a vacuum. Miguel stands up for Kyler and urges the frat leader to tell Kyler the truth: that he is not getting into the frat. Knowing the truth, Kyler pours a drink on the frat leader’s head which starts a fight in which Miguel, Hawk, Kyler, Demetri, and Brucks win. They leave before campus security arrives. 

We then see Johnny at Daniel’s car dealership asking to be paid the same amount as Chozen for being a sensei. Daniel tells Johnny that Chozen doesn’t get paid. Daniel then tells Johnny that Miyagi-Do is not a quick fix and that getting his financial situation worked out takes time. Johnny asks what he is supposed to do and Daniel urges him to get a 9-to-5 job like he has. 

The next scene has Kyler and Miguel talking about dreams. Kyler tells Miguel that he didn’t follow his dreams which causes Miguel to realize he should follow his. They are approached by a frat house member who congratulates Kyler on beating up the other frat. He then offers Kyler a place in his frat with no hazing and he accepts. 

We then see Johnny arrive at the car dealership in a suit. He took Daniel’s advice about a job offer. Amanda and Daniel discuss what Johnny could do at the dealership when the bell rings, signifying a sale. The salesman is revealed to be Johnny. Impressed with his skills, Daniel officially offers Johnny the job as a salesman.  We then see Master Kim and Kim Da-Eun waiting for Kreese’s return. Kreese returns, telling him it’s not about the prize, the knife, it’s about eliminating what stands in the way. He then drops the head of the snake in front of Master Kim. Master Kim tells Kreese they are ready. Kim Da-Eun and Kreese bow. Cut to Black.

Overall, this was a good episode. Once again, William Zabka’s performance as Johnny Lawrence is the show’s anchor. The focus on him was the episode’s strong point. Delving into Kreese’s psyche was also a strong point as he’s now unbound by his weakness. No one knows what Kreese is going to do next and that makes the show a lot more compelling. With strong acting and great development of things to come, this was a good follow-up to the premiere. 

Rating: 7/10. 

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