Season 2, Episode 6, titled “Ancestors”, directed by Sam Deats and Adam Deats, and written by Zodwa Nyoni, explores the divine through the figures of Ogun and Sekhmet. Ogun is Annette’s divine ancestor, a powerful orisha who willingly aids his demigod descendant in her quest to destroy the vampire messiah. Sekhmet, the Goddess of Healing and War, has had her soul fragmented into three parts: her Ba (body), her Ka (blood), and her Akh (spirit). While the Ba and Ka reflect her warlike, darker nature, the Akh embodies her light and goodness.
At its core, this episode explores the theme of divinity—a force both unknown and awe-inspiring to mortals. The divine should be understood, not controlled. Erzsebet Bathory (Franka Potente) and Drolta Tzuentes (Elarica Johnson) seek to harness Sekhmet’s abilities to conquer the world, corrupting the goddess’s essence in the process. However, such hubris will inevitably lead to their downfall, as those who attempt to abuse divine power will face dire consequences. In contrast, those who approach the divine with humility and understanding—such as Annette—may earn the gods’ favor, protection, and even their intervention. Ogun and Sekhmet, both embodiments of divine will, choose to aid Annette, recognizing her selflessness and noble spirit.
Annette arrives at the Duat
In Paris, Alucard (James Callis) prepares the National Guard and numerous volunteers for the impending vampire invasion, with weapons and cannons supplied by the National Assembly. Meanwhile, Richter (Edward Bluemel) and Annette (Thuso Mbedu) inform him of Annette’s plan to use her spiritual abilities to connect with Sekhmet’s third and final soul. To combat Erzsebet—who now possesses two of Sekhmet’s souls—Annette intends to become the avatar for Sekhmet’s missing Akh, allowing the goddess to walk once more on the mortal plane.
As Annette begins the ritual to enter the spirit world, Richter and Alucard stand guard, prepared to protect her body from any threats in the material realm.
Within the spirit world, Annette reunites with her deceased mentor, Cecile Fatiman (Sharon D. Clarke), and her late mother, Esther (Erica Luttrell). Both spirits advise her to seek out Ogun (Amuche Chukudebelu), the Yoruba orisha of war and iron, for guidance on how to reach Sekhmet. Ogun grants her a shield for protection and instructs her on how to enter the Duat, where Sekhmet’s third soul resides.
Upon reaching the Duat, Annette is confronted by a hostile Sekhmet (Nicola F. Delgado), enraged by the imbalance of her scales. Annette presents Ogun’s shield as she explains Erzsebet’s corruption of her stolen souls, gradually earning the goddess’s trust. Eventually, Sekhmet agrees to aid Annette—but at a cost. In order to return to the mortal world, Sekhmet will inhabit Annette’s body as her vessel. Meanwhile, Annette’s own soul must remain in the Duat to protect Sekhmet’s scales from Ammit until the goddess can reclaim her missing souls. Accepting the burden, Annette prepares for the final battle against the forces of darkness in Paris.
Maria Regains her Light
In Machecoul, Juste Belmont (Iain Glen) and Mizrak (Aaron Neil) help Maria (Pixie Davies) rediscover her lost magic and reconnect with the light within her. Maria realizes that her ability to summon creatures of light was always tied to the love and happiness she once shared with her mother, Tera, and her foster brother, Richter. This revelation allows her to summon a dragon once more—this time as a manifestation of good rather than vengeance. Though still recovering, Maria is determined to rejoin the rest of Team Belmont in the upcoming battle.
Meanwhile, Erzsebet, now in her vampiric lioness form, conjures a crimson eclipse, a dark and ominous omen that strengthens her forces. She rallies her army of vampires and night creatures, preparing to invade Paris and crush the French Revolution, restoring power to the noble elites—many of whom are vampires themselves. However, the vampire messiah may yet be stopped. This time, the heroes have an Egyptian goddess on their side. But the battle will depend on whether Annette is strong enough—both spiritually and physically—to wield Sekhmet’s power as her avatar.
Rating: 9/10