Season one of 1923 concluded with the Dutton family’s struggle of losing their land and needing their nephew to return. A sheepherder named Banner Creighton and his men ambush Jacob and his family, leaving Jacob severely wounded. This forces his wife, Cara Creighton, to manage the ranch, urging her nephew to come to the ranch to help protect the land.
Their nephew, Spencer Dutton, is hunting dangerous animals in Africa when he meets Alexandra, a woman engaged to another man. They fall in love and flee to his family’s ranch. Upon this journey, the two are separated in Europe, where Alexandra’s family forcibly separates her from him, forcing Spencer to leave her behind.
Meanwhile, Teonna Rainwater, a Native American girl, flees her Catholic boarding school after horrific abuse that led her to murder two priests. She is continuously pursued by lawmen to be killed but receives help from her father and another ally.
Season two opens with the Dutton family struggling during a harsh winter. The couple had been forced to sell most of their cattle and barely managed to sustain themselves. Despite the frigid weather, Jacob Dutton leaves his ranch and wife to bring Banner Creighton to court.
Spencer Dutton continues his journey back to Montana while working aboard a ship to earn passage. The working conditions are challenging, with many surrounding workers being just as dangerous as the journey. Spencer saves his fellow coal worker from being sexually assaulted, only having to clean up the assaulter’s blood as the ship’s captain executes him.
Alexandra is imprisoned in England by her former fiancé’s family. When a close friend visits, Alxeandra enlists their help to sell all of her jewelry to buy passage to reunite with Spencer. Not only does she confide her plan to escape, but also her pregnancy.
Teonna Rainwater continues to escape the lawmen with her father and his ally, Pete Plenty Clouds. Upon their journey into Texas, Teonna and Pete fall in love and unite, planning on marriage. While this moment may be sweet, they are relentlessly pursued by Father Renaud and U.S. marshals who are slaughtering other Natives in their search.
Banner Creighton prepares for his trial against Jacob Dutton. He reveals his alliance with the corrupt businessman, Donald Whitfield. While Banner’s wife expresses concerns about this alliance, he remains committed to their partnership, hoping it will secure a prosperous future.
While many audiences found season one of 1923 to be slow and on the verge of boring, season two speeds up the pace. All of the characters are now established and are in motion. The stakes are now higher, and the conflicts are intensifying. Overall, this season is a more gripping and action-packed continuation of the Dutton family saga. As this episode comes to a close, audiences are left with an eerie tone, anticipating more devastation to unfold.
Rating: 7/10