Disney Plus’s Original Series Obi-Wan Kenobi Season One Episode Five “Part 5” kicks off with Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan Kenobi and Hayden Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader having a sparring match in a flash back to their earlier years as student and teacher. This demonstrates just how deep their relationship was as they both have trained together and now know each other’s movements well. However, unsurprisingly Anakin shows the common traits that ended up causing him to go down the dark path such as being too aggressive and being too overconfident. In Anakin’s mind, he knows that he has come extremely far in his training and can beat Obi-Wan. Not to mention that he feels that it is okay to be overconfident if you have the skills to prove you are the best. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan ends up beating Anakin due to the fact that he stayed focused during the session and took the opportunity to show why one should never be overconfident when fighting an enemy by catching Anakin off guard. The viewer can see by the look on Anakin’s face that he is upset with Obi-Wan embarrassing him by giving him back his lightsaber and talking down to him as if he is a child when he wins.
Additionally, the viewer sees Moses Ingram’s Reva Sevander have a moment with Obi-Wan during the siege to capture him. During this the viewer sees a flash back of the genocide of the Jedi order and how all her friends died when Anakin helped wiped them out. Obi-Wan now knowing why she is the way she is feels shame and regret as a result. From the look the viewer can see on his face he has tremendous pain at knowing a child from that time has continued to suffer years later. In his mind, he blames himself for what happened to everyone in the Jedi order as making sure Anakin stayed good was his as his teacher. Now having the result of his failure face to face makes him regret it even more.
Later into the episode, it is soon revealed that Reva’s need to find Obi-Wan is due to her wanting to get close enough to kill Darth Vader out of revenge. In her mind, she sees capturing Obi-Wan as her only way to kill the man responsible for the death of everything she held dear. Also, she can have a little payback on Obi-Wan due to her seeing him as being partly responsible as well given as how he is the one who trained him. The interesting part is that everything she did was for revenge including torturing others and killing who ever she was told to. To her it was all worth it for chance to kill Darth Vader when he was most vulnerable. It can be said that her character was the embodiment of the end justifies the means in the sense that whatever she does it can excuse with killing a great evil. This is demonstrated by how she would have tortured Vivien Blair’s young Leia Skywalker if it means she could turn in Obi-Wan giving her a chance to kill Darth Vader.
At the end of the episode, Obi-Wan manages to escape just as Darth Vader lands on the planet. Unfortunately, as Reva is about to strike down Darth Vader, he reveals that he knew her plan all along. In his mind, he knew who she was the moment he recruited her as an inquisitor. However, her need for revenge against him would prove useful as he could use it to his advantage. This demonstrates just how intelligent Darth Vader is as instead of killing right from the start he channeled her need for vengeance to suit his needs. Once he found Obi-Wan he now has no need for Reva anymore and thus stabs her just like he did all those years ago during the genocide of the Jedi. Interestingly enough, Reva’s hatred is what keeps her from dying which leads her to finding out about Darth Vader’s son being on Tatooine due to Obi-Wan losing his communicator.
Rating: 8.5/10