This episode starts off with Hank and Cristobal talking with El Toro, a hitman that they need to kill Barry. They hire a podcast team that reviews broken gadgets. Hank follows their podcast, showing that he supports El Toro’s side business. Hank and Cristobal’s sand business is starting off well and is sure to make a profit. It’s a perfect disguise if they choose to get back into the drug game again. There is risk, as they do not want people to find the identities of the people involved in Barry’s death. Hank critiques the podcast offering tips on how to make it better. This shows his leadership skills and drive to expand a small business.
Mr. Cousineau talks to a detective about Barry, sticking to the facts and continuing to stay under the radar. Gene Cousineau said he wants to invite a reporter to his business.
Hank is telling a LA crime boss about his and Cristobal’s plan to build a crime utopia.
Midway through the episode, Sally visits Barry in jail. She tells him she may leave her old life behind because she feels safe around him. Barry speaks on the phone with a reporter from Vanity Fair. Barry hears news about Mr. Cousineau because he is spreading lies about Barry as Mr. Cousineau still wants to appear as the victim. Mr. Cousineau’s false allegations are running Barry’s reputation.
Sally drives to Mr. Cousinueaus’s studio after visiting Barry in prison. Sally teaches her first set of students about techniques for actors. She needs to distract herself from Barry. It will allow her to emote her emotions and negativities into great teaching. Sally’s students admit they are on her side and they aren’t taking classes from her just because of her situation. Sally suggests diving right into seeing her students’ strengths. During an advanced acting practice, Sally talks to her students one on one, having them go over the lines of their favorite scripts. She does this to learn their personalities and tries to read more into them just from what they recite. Sally resonates with Kristen saying she is charming and tries to bring out Kristen’s past and her reason for being in her class. Sally critiques her student because she is wasting her time. Kristen has a breakthrough and shows emotion when reciting her line. Sally’s students criticize her methods, saying her teaching is abusive.
Monroe Fuches talks to Hank because he is frustrated that Barry sold him out. Hank tells Monroe Fuches that he needs to keep his mouth shut and that Barry will no longer be a problem. They end their conversation and Hank calls a break for his workers showing compassion to the ones who do not know how to relax while on the clock. While on break, Hank is visited by an old LA crime associate that wants Hank to go back to performing the old ways of the mob. Hanks tells the messenger that he is not going back to LA to join their plans. Hanks’s reasons for this could be that he wants to live a longer life with Crystal. He knows that the drug game only leads you to prison or killed, and he wants to expand his empire through more legitimate means.
Mr. Cousineau and Tom Posorro break into Barry’s home to find evidence to use against Barry in court. Gene’s associate is doing the dirty work while he is distracting the woman.
In the concluding scene, Barry talks to Hank, trying to tell him he needs his help to kill Mr. Cousineau to stop the false rumors. Hank will not listen to Barry’s bribe because Hank knows Barry has been talking to the cops. Barry continues to lie, trying to cover his tracks, but Hank isn’t falling for Barry’s schemes and cuts ties with his old partner.
Rating: 6/10