Barry Season 4 episode 1 titled “Yikes” talks about Barry’s life in prison. Barry once had a life working as a hitman from Cleveland who traveled on assignment to Los Angeles. He takes up acting classes taught by his instructor who has framed him for killing his girlfriend. Mr. Gene Cousineau has things he wants to try to cover up and used Barry as his scapegoat. Barry was a mere student caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, according to the news. The press and news report Barry as the main suspect in the case of the murder. With all this pressure and the pull and weight that Mr. Cousineau has, Barry will have a hard time proving his innocence.
Barry’s associate Hank (Drug Cartel) finds out the news as well and is trying to piece together what could have happened and has direct contact with Barry’s old phone number that Mr. Cousineau has in his possession. Hank is vacationing with his partner trying to have a relaxing vacation, but his past and relationship with Barry is creating conflict with the peace he is trying to find in his life. Over dinner with his partner, they are talking about expanding the business and maybe going back to LA. A good setup for what’s to come for their storyline.
The biggest character besides Barry, that is affected by Barry’s imprisonment is his girlfriend, Sally. Sally is your typical normal mid aged girl until she finds out what happens to Barry from reading an article on her phone. Her shock of finding out that Barry is a murderer and the fact that she loved him slowly chips away at her. “While she is visiting her parents, more than likely trying to distract herself and have some support around her when the upcoming trial happens. Sally’s mother displays abnormal behavior towards her. She is distant and deflects that her daughter is having a mental breakdown and needs emotional support right now. Sally’s father on the other hand has more of a nurturing nature as he checks on his daughter often while she is staying at her parents’ home. He is trying to get her back on her feet while she is hiding her shame from dating Barry. She clouds herself in darkness as it fits what she is feeling: isolated, alone, and naive.
Barry season 4 episode 1 titled “Yikes” as the drama and story arch intrigue the viewer to find out how it will all tie in together. Barry, Hank, Sally and Mr. Cousineau all have a big role to play in determining the fate of our protagonist.
Rating 7/10