Disney Plus’s Original Series Andor Season 1 Episode two “That Would Be Me” starts with a look into the past of Diego Luna’s Cassian Andor during his early years. From here the viewer can see that the series doubles down on the Native American aspect of his past by showing how the empire has sacked his land with industrial production. However, it looks like something happened years ago due to the fact that there is a giant hole in the middle of his planet’s jungle. This can be compared to how in real life the Native Americans faced outsiders taking their land from them and ruining everything entirely. The series does a fantastic job of implementing these aspects from real life into the overall story.
Furthermore, the viewer sees Adria Arjona’s Bix Caleen and her relationship is with her work friend and the effect Andor has on them both. From what the viewer can see Bix and her work friend do have a relationship of some sorts. However, the viewer can tell that to Bix he is just a place holder for Andor until he decides to be with her. The sad part is that her work friend knows this as well and still choices to continue with their relationship with the hope that she will love him in the end. In her mind, she knows that her heart belongs to Andor that is why she helps him even though he keeps his distance from her with him not even telling her about his past. Also, she knows that what she is doing to her work friend is wrong since he is a good guy and really cares about her. Unfortunately, she feels as if she needs someone to comfort her when Andor gives her the cold shoulder every time she tries to get close. The surprising thing is that her work friend decides to turn Andor into the authorities to get him out of the way because of his jealousy.
Later into the episode, Kyle Soller’s Syril Karn finally knows where to find Andor so he can arrest him as a result of Bix’s work friend calling to report him. During this he ends up finding out that not everyone is so relaxed as his commander is when it comes to crime. Instead, he meets a fellow officer who tells him that he is doing the right thing by chasing Andor. In his mind, he feels as if he is not alone anymore in his search for the truth and justice. This is made evident by the look the viewer sees on his face as he talks to the officer. Hopefully, the viewer gets to see why he is so obsessed with his sense of justice that it borders on psychotic in a future episode.
At the end of the episode, the viewer sees a man land on the planet that Andor currently resides on. From that the viewer can guess he might be the contact that Bix talked to him about that is willing to buy the special part he found for a decent price. Though he seems to be on the planet for more than just a part if he is the contact and not a bounty hunter sent to hunt Andor.
Rating 8.5/10