Oh how the mighty have fallen.
According to Variety, WWE’s Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, 66, was arrested on Thursday after being involved in a domestic violence situation with his girlfriend, Lauryn McBride, 27.
After the arrest, both Lawler and McBride placed blame on each other in regards to who started it. In all regards it doesn’t matter who started it, it matters that it happened.
WWE has since suspended the 2007 Hall Of Fame inductee.
“WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, and per our policy, Jerry Lawler has been suspended indefinitely following his arrest.”
Domestic abuse, although no light matter, has been a sore spot for the WWE universe since 2007 when veteran wrestler Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son and then committed suicide over a three day period.
Benoit was at the height of his career at the time of his violent actions. When news first broke of his death, without further information, the WWE celebrated his life and career by dedicating an entire Monday Night Raw’s 3-hour programming to him with memories and goodbye messages from fellow wrestlers.
It wasn’t until after the airing that the world learned of Benoit’s involvement in the deaths of his family.
Even though the wrestling world is based on violence, most people understand that it is a scripted program and there are medics on site at all times to ensure the safety of all those involved in the sport. It is meant as entertainment not just violence.
Lawler’s arrest and subsequent suspension comes a month after WWE’s Adam Rose was arrested for domestic violence against his wife. Rose, who’s real name is Raymond Leppan, was charged with one felony and one misdemeanor after he allegedly grabbed his wife’s face while screaming at her and then prevented her from calling the authorities by taking her phone.
There is no telling just how long Lawler will be prevented from returning to the WWE but having been with the brand since 1992, it’s a good possibility that he won’t be gone forever.
Hopefully with the consequences of their actions both Lawler and his girlfriend can get to the root of their problems without further violence.
How do you feel about the WWE’s policy towards domestic violence? Is it too lenient or too harsh?
Let us know in the comments.