The Suits franchise, a long running television show that ran for nine seasons on the USA network, may have come to an official end with the recent cancellation of its spinoff series, Pearson, as told by The Hollywood Reporter. Suits had its premiere on June 23, 2011, and starred Patrick J. Adams as Mike Ross, a college dropout eventually given the opportunity to practice law despite never attending law school. In the series he eventually crossed paths with Jessica Pearson, played by Gina Torres, the head of a successful law firm and a regular in the series.
The spinoff followed Jessica Pearson moving from New York, where Suits primarily took place, to Chicago. There, she worked with the city’s mayor and found herself having to maneuver around Chicago’s corrupt and unethical political infrastructure. Despite the show’s connection to Suits, its first season failed to reach the heights and popularity its predecessor had during its run. Pearson drew in less than half of the ratings Suits did, with its ceiling being a viewership of 513,000, whereas Suits attracted just below a million eyes on its product in its final season. Pearson was also consistently the lowest rated program on USA in 2019, which certainly didn’t help its case.
With USA’s growing television content, however, it might not have been that difficult for the network to euthanize Pearson. The Suits successor will be leaving a roster of scripted television shows that includes the critically acclaimed Mr. Robot, which is finishing its last season. The Sinner will be making a comeback on its third season that will be airing 2020, and it also has The Purge, currently on its second season run. Pearson’s final episode aired on September 18th, 2019, and although it went out with a bit of a whimper instead of a bang, it still marks the end of both an era and a legacy.