NCIS, the popular crime series that started back on September 23, 2003, follows a team of special agents that aim to solve Marine and Navy-related crimes. According to Deadline, a spin-off of the franchise is in the works, and we’ll see the return of agent Tony DiNozzo, played by Michael Weatherly (Dark Angel), and Ziva David, played by Cote de Pablo (The 33), reuniting after 10 years.
Tony’s last scene was back in season 13 when he decided to retire to take care of his daughter, but he then made a cameo in season 21 during the episode “Lifeline. Ziva was revealed to have survived the explosion in season 16 and made a brief appearance in the finale of season 17.
The show will be titled NCIS:Europe, and production is set to start earlier this year. According to Deadline, the official synopsis of the series states, “Tony and Ziva have been raising their daughter, Tali, together. When Tony’s security company is attacked, they must go on the run across Europe, try to figure out who is after them and maybe even learn to trust each other again so that they can finally have their unconventional happily ever after.”
According to Deadline, Weatherly and de Pablo stated “We’ve been talking about this story for many years, and now with John McNamara at the helm, we are ready. The world of Tony and Ziva (and daughter Tali) promises to be an action-packed roller coaster fueled by love, danger, tears and laughter. We also want to acknowledge and thank the fans from around the world who supported the ‘Tiva’ movement for years. To this day, they say hello in grocery stores and on the street to tell us how much these characters mean to them and ask what Tony and Ziva are up to now. This is for you!
Overall, the spin-off has the potential to not only delve into the personal lives and complexity of the duo but also be a wonderful addition to the franchise. While information about the spin-off remains under wraps, it will likely be a captivating watch for both long-time “NCIS” viewers and newcomers alike.