‘The Walking Dead’ is Preparing for Battle in Released Scene from Upcoming Season 10 Finale

The Walking Dead is suiting up for battle. In anticipation of the season 10 finale on Sunday, October 4, the AMC zombie thriller released a scene from the upcoming episode on Monday. The clip insinuates an epic battle where survival is not a guarantee via Screen Rant

The sneak peak of season 10’s finale episode involves the preparations for a fight against the Whisperers. The clip released involves the remaining survivors discussing how they’ll overtake the horde and lead them away from a wagon they need to get to if they want to survive. Inevitably, the group will have to split up in order to do so. There is tension floating throughout the room as impending doom nears. “We’re not all going to make it through. But this is the only way,” fan favorite Daryl says, ensuring death and bloodshed.  

Earlier this month, along with announcing that season 11 would be its final season, AMC also announced an additional two spin off shows. Embracing the anthology storytelling method, one of them will be called Tales of the Walking Dead, which will focus on a new character each episode. The other spin off  will involve Daryl and Carol Peleteir, so they are ensured to survive the coming war in the season 10 finale. However, it will be sometime before the show airs. With no title for the show as of yet, it will premiere in 2023 with showrunner Angela Kang (The Walking Dead) and creator Scott M. Gimple (Chase), a Walking Dead veteran. 

Viewers have exercised extreme patience in regards to The Walking Dead finale as it is returning after a long hiatus. The finale was delayed due to complications from the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the term finale lightly, AMC will also air six additional episodes of season 10 in 2021 before concluding with season 11 in 2022. 

Watch the scene from the upcoming season 10 finale below which will air on AMC, October 4, at 9/8 C. 

Rebecca Schriesheim: TV News Writer at Mxdwn. 2019 Graduate of DePaul University where I studied Cinema and Media Studies.
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