The apocalyptic Z Nation has reached its own apocalyptic end as Syfy has canceled the zombie drama after five seasons. If you are unfamiliar with the now dead series, don’t feel left out as its stay in the mainstream was relatively low brow with an average of 0.58 million viewers last season. It takes place several years since a zombie virus swept across America, with only one person surviving this plague and becoming the world’s last hope in saving in humanity form a form of extinction.
Now, if you’re like me and was unenticed by said synopsis, then this news may arrive at your doorstep without vigor or substance of any kind. That said, it is always essential to narrowify these shows cancellations as unemployment remedies in that the men and women who put this show together are now out of a job. With it already being a monumental reward to get a job writing, producing, or making a television series in itself, it can be hard to grasp that significant time in your life coming to an abrupt end.
Now out of a job, these young creators are onto the next with the show’s head-producer David Michael Latt announcing the news on Twitter with a video in which he expressed some expected sadness, but followed it with gitty enthusiasm for an upcoming Black Summer in which he said: “just the beginning of a lot of things.”
#ZNation https://t.co/UfKAQlkkn5
— David Michael Latt (@DavidMLatt) December 22, 2018
The good news is for those who don’t stand on a solid foundation is that Syfy is taking some big swings as of late and is aiming to create a nice home for itself with countless new and experimental series arriving sooner rather than later. It will become many’s new stomping grounds and other’s competition, but Syfy isn’t exactly backing down from the challenge of streaming and continues to fight the good fight, even if that means bringing a few stories to their end along the way.