Squid Game, the global phenomenon that captivated audiences worldwide, is set to return for a third season. The series creator, Hwang Dong-hyuk (The Fortress), hinted that this is not the end of the popular franchise. The series became popular due to its unique plot of 456 contestants partaking in numerous challenges based on famous children’s games. According to Comicbook, Hwang goes on to say in an interview with The Wrap,”I know Netflix has a plan [for more Squid Game]. They are not going to throw this idea away.”
According to Comicbook, Hwang said in an interview with The Wrap, “I know Netflix has a plan [for more Squid Game]. They are not going to throw this idea away.” The first season ended with Gi-hun, played by Lee Jung-jae (The Acolyte), having won the games and using his earnings in order to track down the Front Man, played by Lee Byung-hun (The Magnificent Seven), and his benefactors. Fans then see in the second season finale that Gi-hun and his friends spark a rebellion within the games, in which the Front Man becomes furious and sheds his disguise to crush it. Sadly, we see the death of Gi-hun’s friend, Jung-bae, played by Lee Seo-hwan (The Beast).
Honestly, when I was first working on the first season, I didn’t have any plans or thoughts about there ever being further seasons,” Hwang explained in an interview with Entertainment Weekly via Comicbook. He continued the statement, saying, “In Korea it’s not very common for series to have multiple seasons, and also because season 1 was so incredibly demanding, so I don’t think I had the confidence to once again work on further [seasons] where I would be the writer, director, and creator all throughout.”
The possibility of spin-offs opens up intriguing avenues for exploration, such as a prequel that showcases the creation of the first games and group of contestants. While specific details on the franchise’s future remain under wraps, both seasons of Squid Game are available to stream on Netflix.