*Some spoilers for the two-part season finale*
In November 2023, NCIS Sydney premiered and quickly gained fans. The show follows a talented group of agents, solving cases arising in their city and bringing justice. According to TVLine, part one of the finale uncovers the mystery behind a deadly party, which the guest nearly suffocated in an old bunker. The team in the process discovers a spy, which connects back to the very first episode. The show has had a sturdy review rating of 70%.
In an interview with TVLine, Todd Lasance (Bite Club), who plays Sergeant Jim “JD” Dempsey, spoke about his character’s dilemma in the finale and what he hopes to see if the series is renewed for a second season.
When asked about the two-part finale, Lasance stated, “Honestly, and I don’t want to be biased, but I think [the finale] is going to be my favorite episode. And here’s a bit of an interesting note: one of my audition scenes was from the final episode. We had a couple of scenes from the first episode, but then some of the big, heavy, emotional stuff was in my audition scene before I even got the role. It was interesting to see how they had plotted that and where that scene ended up fitting in.”
TVLine alluded to a massive character reveal that occurred in last week’s episode involving Georgina Haig’s (Crawl) character. Lasance explained what we can expect from this character in the next episode.
“Oh, she’s not going to be a very compliant prisoner — that’s for sure,” Lasance said via TVLine. “What I love about what Georgina did is there’s something under the surface that you know is unsettling. In the final shot of Episode 7 and the opening elements of Episode 8, you’re like, “Something’s not quite right here.” The team can sense it, as well. And when I played it as the actor, there’s an unsettling element for JD. When he’s watching her, you can see behind his eyes that he’s like, “Something’s not adding up.”
While the series has yet to be renewed, Lasance shared his vision for a possible second season and where he hopes they take his character.
“Obviously, I want [the finale’s big reveal] to come to fruition and we work all that stuff out,” Lasance explained to TVLine, “but I also want to get into action sequences again. I want to get into some shootouts, car chases, some big-scale action things, because that’s what NCIS is known for. I also want to explore the family dynamic side of things. This is a dream series for me because I get to play with the comedy, with that cheeky “ribbing each other” element, and also be the straight cop/leader, and then I get to go with the emotional element of the relationship with the son and my ex-wife and the breakdown of that relationship. The sky’s the limit for us.”
The original cast will be reprising their roles, including Olivia Swann (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) and Tuuli Narkle (Bad Behavior). The second part of season one’s finale is scheduled for January 23, 2024. Fans of the acclaimed show can rewatch previous episodes on Paramount+.