Marvel Studios is slinging some exciting news for web-slinging enthusiasts. According to Screenrant, the upcoming animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has received a major update. Tom Holland (Uncharted) is set to return to the MCU for Spider-Man 4. Marvel Studio’s head of animation, Brad Winderbaum (Thor: Love and Thunder), reveals that the series is what the fans ask for.
Screenrant notes that Winderbaum said, “I mean, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is amazing, to say the least. I think it’s really going to surprise people. It is very much like a cut from that Steve Ditko era of the comics. It’s Peter Parker back in high school just trying to make it work, take care of his aunt, completely broke, and having to be a superhero. It’s so essentially Spider-Man, and what Jeff Trammell, the creator of that show, did, which I think people are going to love, is he built this ensemble of characters around Peter that you fall in love with.”
According to Screenrant, the MCU is going for a more classical look for the characters of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man while also aiming to create a fresh cinematic feel. There will also be a major age difference between this upcoming animated series’ Spider-Man and Holland’s Spider-Man. This version of Spider-Man will be back in high school while Holland’s version took on a more mature role as he was getting ready to graduate high school in Spider-Man: No Way Home. This is just one of the future animated projects that Marvel is working on; other series that will make their debut are Marvel’s Zombies, Eyes of Wakanda, and many more.
There is currently no news on the release date of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, but it is expected to make its debut on Disney+ in 2024. The premise of the upcoming animated series will surely remain the same as in other iterations of Spider-Man, including another animated series, Ultimate Spider-Man, and many more related to the famed web-slinger. Spider-Man is posing to excite fans with Peter Parker going back to the basics. The series has the potential to capture the hearts of both longtime Spider-Man devotees and a new generation altogether.