Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier series begins production on Monday. Both actors have seen the scripts ahead of time and Stan is excited for fans to experience the full depth of these two characters.
“It’s going to be so cool and kind of crazy,” Stan said. “All I can say is it’s just new and different from what you’ve seen so far. I mean, it will be totally in line with everything that has happened and what we’ve seen and so on, but these characters are getting such additional mileage in terms of learning about who they are now, what they feel, what they’re thinking, and there’s a lot of action, comedy, you know there’s going to be comedy. I feel like you’re going to be happy. I think you’re going to be very happy. And there’s some crazy stuff, like stuff you don’t see coming from anywhere.”
Chris Evans – former Captain America and beloved hero – broke the news to Anthony Mackie that he would be the one to take on the responsibilities of the iconic shield.
“We were shooting in Atlanta and Chris Evans had a bunch of us over to his house to watch a football game, because we all hate the Patriots and he loves the Patriots,” Mackie explained. “He and I go downstairs and he’s showing me the house and he’s like, ‘So are you excited?’ I’m like, ‘I mean yeah, it’s gonna be a football game. I love football, I watch football every week, but I didn’t know you were this into it.’ And he’s like, ‘No, about the script. You haven’t read the scene?’ I was like, ‘No.’ So he jumps up, runs out of the room and back in with the script and hits me with the script. He’s like ‘Page 85! Read it! Read it!’ And he sits there like a kid watching [me read it].”
Disney+’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is expected to premiere in Fall 2020. The streaming service will launch on November 12th.