‘Reading Rainbow’ Project Attempts to Bring the Show Back to for Online Viewing

Actor LeVar Burton launched a Kickstarter on Wednesday in attempts to bring the classic children’s learning show back for online viewing, TIME reports.

The show, Reading Rainbow, aired between 1983 and 2006, with re-runs airing through 2009 before being cut from television. Despite the creation of a Reading Rainbow iPad app in 2012, the actor believes additional viewing options are necessary, explaining in the Kickstarter: “First, not all families have access to tablets. Our goal is to cultivate a love of reading in all children, not just those that have tablets. To reach kids everywhere, we need to be everywhere: we need to be on the web.”

In addition to allowing children to watch the show online, Burton hopes that the website would be used as a classroom tool to further the academic success of today’s youth.

The Kickstarter’s goal is to raise $1 million by July 2 to make the effort a reality. Watch the pitch below:

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