The popular rebooted series, Quantum Leap, is a revival of the series of the same name that premiered from 1989 to 1993. The series revival first made it’s televised debut back in September 19, 2022, and the first season follows the journey of Dr Ben Song, played by Raymond Lee (The Lost City) , and Addison Augustine, played by Caitlin Bassett (V Is for Vodka). According to Deadline, the sci-fi show’s showrunners Martin Gero (The Lovebird) and Dean Georgaris (The Death Wish) spoke about the planning that went into the season two finale and more
The second season has left viewers with a thrilling cliffhanger and a burning question: will there be a season 3?
In one question, Deadline asked Gero and Georgaris if it was the plan to create a finale episode that could also work as a series finale.
In response to this, Georgaris stated, “Interestingly, we actually didn’t craft it to be a series finale. The fact that Ben [Raymond Lee] and Addison [Caitlin Bassett] are in the same physical space can feel like a completion, of sorts, of the first part of their journey. But what we wanted to do for season two was to tell a really emotional story with this incredible cast that we had. And the way we did that was to split Ben and Addison up emotionally, to break them up. When we got the early renewal for season two, we knew we were not going to end it on a cliffhanger. We were going to end it on the first scene from season three, and we’re going to end it with the two characters together, but in a way that you never expected. And that sort of says to the audience, ‘look at all the great places we can go.’ So if it feels like a completion for audiences, that’s wonderful. It is a completion of part of the journey, but I think for us, it serves as the launch for the rest of the journey”
Additionally, when asked by Deadline when they crafted the season two finale scripts, Gero responded, “It was after the strike, but we had kind of built everything. We started breaking the show in December [of 2022], and one of the first things we do is always talk about what the finale is. So we had already written the first eight episodes and had outlines for nine and 10 [before they went out on strike]. So when the strike was over, it wasn’t so much of like, ‘okay, what are we going to do?’ It was just being able to complete this plan that we had put in place in late 2022.”.
Overall, season three is still not confirmed, but the showrunners’ enthusiasm and the finale’s open-ended nature instill some hope for fans. While waiting for further information surrounding season three of Quantum Leap, seasons one and two are available to stream on Peacock.