Presidential Parodies as SNL Pays Tribute to Bush Senior and Indict Trump

Alec Baldwin made an appearance on SNL last night with his parody of Trump in the cold open. He had been absent from the limelight since his parking lot fiasco where he had become infuriated over a parking spot and was arrested for assaulting a man, which Baldwin at first denied. However, Baldwin acknowledged the incident in his impersonation of Trump: “God, I haven’t been this upset since I freaked out about that parking space.”

The skit was based on Trump’s stay in the Park Hyatt in Argentina for the G20 summit. Baldwin’s Donald Trump and Cecily Strong’s Melania Trump converse on a balcony, giving a nod at various events such as Melania’s choice of blood-red trees in the White House. At the end, Trump sang an altered version of “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” from Evita: “Don’t cry for me Argentina. The truth is I’m very guilty. Some little no-nos and maybe treason, but I kept my promise… oops no I didn’t.”

On a more sober note, Michael Che and Colin Jost acknowledged the passing of George H. W. Bush at the end of the Weekend Update. In stark contrast to the Trump skits, it was a refreshing flashback to a collage of SNL episodes in which Bush senior appeared.

“President Bush was famously a very warm and gracious man who always understood the power in being able to laugh at yourself,” Jost stated somberly. It was a testament to the great sense of humor former president George H.W. had and his ability to take criticism and the media lightheartedly.

At the end of the show, all of the female characters came on and sang “All I Want For Christmas Is You”: “You better prove that Trump colluded or that he kidnapped Jon Benet. We won’t ask for much this Christmas, but at least throw us a bone. Tell us what the hell is happening and who the “F” is Roger Stone. We don’t need a long ass doc, just a single page that shocks. Mueller, please come through. ‘Cause the only other option is a coup. I just want to sleep at night, please make sure your case is tight and make our wish come true, ’cause, Mueller, all we want for Christmas is you.” This plead to Mueller for Trump’s indictment touched on Baldwin’s cold open, wrapping it all up in a nice bow.

Rachel Beede: With a B.A. in English and Master's in Curriculum and Instruction, Rachel currently works at a charter school when not writing for mxdwn. In her free time, she edits video and volunteers on AFI student film shoots.
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