The highly anticipated animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman has just released an official trailer. The trailer offers a fresh take on the beloved web-slinger combined with its unique comic book art style and showcases the journey of Peter Parker, voiced by Hudson Thames (What If…?). Fans also see Peter interacting with numerous other characters, including Nico Minoru, voiced by Grace Song (Straight Up). The series will be animated by the same studio team behind the creation of the hit series X-Men ’97.
The setting for the series showcases Peter Parker back in high school and trying to balance his personal life with his superhero one. We also see that he uses social media to help spread his name throughout New York City. Peter Parker is also seen to be wearing two new suits within the trailer. According to an mxdwn post, fans can expect the iconic web-slinger to fight against his most notorious enemies, such as Doc Ock and Green Goblin, voiced by Colman Domingo (Candyman), while also encountering a new group of villains called the Enforcers, who had numerous hires within the Marvel comics.
According to an mxdwn post, this is just one project expected within Marvel’s arsenal for the upcoming 2025 lineup, with others being The Eyes of Wakanda and Marvel Zombies. The trailer showcases the series’ wonderful blend of action and comedy, which helps increase the viewer count.
The Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man trailer is a thrilling first look at a series that promises to be a must-watch for fans of all ages. With its engaging story, stunning visuals and beloved characters, this animated adventure is sure to swing into our hearts. The series is scheduled to stream worldwide on January 29. While waiting on further details surrounding the plot that the series will follow, all current TV series within the Marvel franchise are available to stream on Disney+.