The Nicolas Cage (Face/Off)-led movie franchise National Treasure finds a diverse reimagining in a new series produced by ABC Signature, according to Deadline. The series reimagining comes from the film’s original producer Jerry Bruckheimer (Bad Boys, Pirate of the Caribbean) and original writers Marianne and Cormac Wibberley. Directed by Mira Nair (Vanity Fair), the upcoming series explores the issues of identity, community, historical authorship and patriotism.
Written by the original franchise writers the Wibberleys, the new series will be told from the point of view of Jess Morales, a twenty-year-old dreamer. With her diverse group of friends they set off on the adventure of a lifetime to uncover her mysterious family secret history and recover lost treasure, according to Deadline.
Cage played the protagonist, Benjamin Gates in the National Treasure film franchise. Jess Morales is carrying the torch into new territories as the story focuses on a younger female led adventure.
In addition to writing the series, the Wibberleys will produce the project alongside Bruckheimer and ABC Signature studios. According to Deadline, additional senior writers are set to be featured in the series, whose TV credits include LA’s Finest. The additional writers have worked with Bruckheimer previously including the National Treasure films and G-Force.
Disney+ has several upcoming series remakes based off of Disney movies. Greenlit upcoming series include Turner & Hooch, The Mighty Ducks and a spinoff of a classic Beauty and the Beast, according to Deadline.