Since its release in 1996, Detective Conan has become one of the most popular ongoing anime worldwide. Creator Gosho Aoyama (Yaiba, Detective Conan) worked hard to bring to life the characters of the manga over the past decades, and it’s refreshing to see an anime that has released various movies and 1000+ episodes throughout the years still be so loved by many people. Fans have reacted on X/Twitter to the sinking of one Detective Conan non-canon ship, reports.
The situation, according to, unfolded after the release of the newest 27th movie. This feature is currently in Japanese theaters breaking many box office records. Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram puts Conan and Kaito to the test to work together once again. Before the end of the movie, the secret is unveiled: Kaito is his cousin! So, the ship is now considered incestual. Not a win for their fanbase.
Kaito and Shinichi, according to, are now related. They seem to be first cousins because their faters were twins. Shinichi and Kaito were separated at birth and then adopted by different families. The ship, named Kaishin by fans, is currently debunked despite being one of the fandom’s biggest ships for decades.
According to, if you have not seen Detective Conan yet, there hasn’t been any official announcement for a final season yet, so you are still on time. The first few seasons are dubbed in English, since it’s original name was changed to Case Closed in United States in 1997, and the rest of 1000+ episodes are in Japanese, that kept the same original title Detective Conan, with English Subtitles. If you are curious to know the official synopsis of the anime, it’s written below:
“Shinichi Kudo’s the best detective on the beat, and his skills have earned him deadly enemies. When an assassination attempt transforms Shinichi into a little kid, he uses his new cover to track down his assailants as boy detective Conan Edogawa!”
Detective Conan is available to stream on Crunchyroll, Tube and Prime Video.