13 Reasons Why on Netflix is trending once again on Netflix, surpassing all other series and movies on the streaming platform over this past weekend and continuing into this week according to ComicBook.com. On Friday, the drama skyrocketed towards Netflix’s Top Ten List, passing television series such as Space Force (Steve Carell) and Fuller House (Jeff Franklin).
Based off the novel by Jay Asher (The Future of Us), the ten episode final season brings closure to the suicide of student Hannah Baker played by Katherine Langford (Love, Simon). Additionally starring, Dylan Minnette (Grey’s Anatomy) as Clay Jensen, Alisha Boe (Parenthood) as Jessica Davis , and Brandon Flynn (BrainDead) as Justin Foley, the show revolves around the death of Baker as they piece together the remnants behind her thirteen tapes she left behind. Throughout the season, director Brian Yorkey (Freaky Friday) delves into each character and the challenges they face throughout their time at Liberty High School.
Netflix’s Top 10 list is updated every day with 13 Reasons Why holding the top spot into Monday. Throughout the four seasons, the series has been faced with lots of backlash, notable for its difficult content matter such as sexual assault, suicide, blame, and violence. Due to the series portrayal of high school students, critics allegedly find the topic of suicide overly graphic. Many fearing that Hannah’s actions could rub off on the audience, composed mainly of young adults, which could create a ‘copycat effect’ according to ABC News. Despite such feedback, 13 Reasons Why has been able to maintain a stable fan base since season 1 aired in 2017.
Everything has led to this. Watch the trailer for the final season, dropping June 5th. pic.twitter.com/3Dn3k2EG5X
— 13 Reasons Why (@13ReasonsWhy) May 20, 2020
With the addition of new characters such as Gary Sinise (CSI: NY) such as Dr Robert Ellman, a new chapter opens tackling more difficult subject matter with the series’s aim to spread awareness and spark discussion. All four seasons of 13 Reasons Why are available to stream on Netflix.