The recently released detective drama series Young Wallander has been renewed for a second season at Netflix, according to Deadline. The drama series premiered on September 3 and its first season consisted of six episodes. The series was created by Benjamin Harris (Ransom, Devils) in addition to being adapted from the writing collection of the Swedish novelist Henning Mankell. The Young Wallander television adaptation series was written by Harris, Ben Schiffer (Skins), Jessica Ruston (Harlots, Casualty), and Anoo Bhagavan (Hodden: Forstfodd).
Young Wallander centers around detective Kurt Wallander as a newly minted police officer at the onset of his career in law enforcement. Instead of being set as a blast in the past, Wallander is now beginning his career in modern-day Sweden and witnesses the violence that surrounds him.
The featured cast of the series includes Adam Pålsson (The Bridge, Hamlet) starring as the younger version of Kurt Wallander, Richard Dillane (Argo, Oranges and Sunshine) as Superintendent Hemberg, Charles Mnene (The Bill) as Bash, Ellise Chappell (Poldark) as Mona, Leanne Best (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Black Mirror) as Frida Rask, Jacob Collins-Levy (The White Princess) as Karl-Axel Munck, and many others.
The series is expected to be released on Netflix in 2021, but there is currently no word on production start dates nor any additional information about the second installment of the detective drama series. Check out the season one trailer below: