Netflix has released a trailer for its upcoming animated series Q-Force, according to Variety. The series stars Sean Hayes (Will & Grace), Gary Cole (Midnight Caller), David Harbour (Stranger Things, Black Widow), Patti Harrison (Together Together), Laurie Metcalf (Lady Bird), Matt Rogers (Gayme Show), Wanda Sykes (The Upshaws), and Gabe Liedman (Obvious Child).
Q-Force centers around Steve Mayweather, also known as Agent Mary, voiced by Hayes, who was neglected as the leader of the American Intelligence Agency after coming out as gay. Rather than firing him based on his sexual orientation, the Agency sent him to Hollywood to become fade into obscurity. Instead, Hayes’ character joined forces with a group of LGBTQ geniuses, including mechanic Deb, voiced by Sykes, master of disguise Twink, voiced by Rogers, and hacker Stat, voiced by Harrison.
The series, set to debut on September 2, was created by Liedman, who also executive produces with Hayes, Todd Milliner (Hollywood Game Night), Ben Heins (The History of Comedy), and Mike Schur (The Good Place). The trailer for Q-Force can be watched below.