Netflix has dropped the cancellation hammer on yet another promising series mid-production, in a story according to Deadline. Pearl, an animated series created by the Dutchess of Sussex Meghan Markle (Castle) in development by Archewell Productions (Heart of Invictus), was in development for launch on Netflix sometime next year before it was recently discontinued. This follows a string of quiet title drops by Netflix over the last few months.
The series description describes Pearl as a family series that centers on the adventures of a 12-year-old girl trying to find inspiration through encounters with a huge variety of influential women throughout history. The show was announced last summer, along with executive production work by Markle and David Furnish (Rocketman). During the announcement, Markle also had this to say:
“Like many girls her age, our heroine Pearl is on a journey of self-discovery as she tries to overcome life’s daily challenges. I’m thrilled that Archewell Productions, partnered with the powerhouse platform of Netflix and these incredible producers, will together bring you this new animated series, which celebrates extraordinary women throughout history. David Furnish and I have been eager to bring this special series to light, and I am delighted we are able to announce it today.”
There is no more news regarding any future projects by the Dutchess.