The highly anticipated Marvel animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has received a rare 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes with its debut and opens up the 2025 lineup for the iconic franchise. According to Screenrant, the animated series has given a new perspective to the iconic web-slinger and captivated viewers with its comic book art style, vibrant action scenes and inspiring soundtrack. Even with the perfect score and exciting elements, the series received a decent audience score of 79%, who criticized the art style and voice acting within the series.
The series showcases new variants of iconic characters, which consist of Peter Parker, voiced by Hudson Thames (Next Gen), Doctor Octopus, voiced by Hugh Dancy (King Arthur) and Norman Osborn, voiced by Colman Domingo (Fear the Walking Dead). According to Screenrant, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is currently at the top of the charts, surpassing previous shows in the franchise, such as X-Men ’97 and Ms. Marvel.
According to Screenrant, the origin story in the series so far takes a different direction as the radioactive spider that bites Peter Parker is seen to be from a different dimension rather than a genetically modified one in his world. It is too early to know how far the series can hold its perfect score, but when episode eight is released, a clearer image will be provided of how both critics and audiences will perceive the animated series.
According to Screenrant, as more audience reviews come in, it will be interesting to see if the gap between critical and audience scores narrows or widens. Despite the low audience score, the perfect score marks a major accomplishment in the franchise and highlights its strengths, such as its engaging storytelling. The first two episodes of the animated series are available to stream on Disney+, with every new episode released every Wednesday.