Trademark documents of JoJo’s Bizzare Adventures: Steel Ball Run have fans highly eager to hear an official announcement. As reported by Comicbook.com, trademark filings have resurfaced across social media.
Shueisha, the publishing company of JoJo’s Bizzare Adventures, has documents dating back to 2021. According to Comicbook, Shuiesha’s application for a trademark for JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure: Steel Ball Run covers the anime adaptation, among other things.
According to Comicbook.com, the documents were cleared back in June 2022. Therefore, Shueisha does not have any legal boundaries regarding the production of JoJo’s Bizzare Adventures: Steel Ball Run. Shueisha, however, has yet to post any official statement regarding plans for the anime adaptation.
Although it has been almost two years since any official update regarding the Steel Ball Run anime, fans are very positive about a future anime adaptation. Jojodoss, a popular YouTuber within the JoJos fandom, believes this is the time for fans to expect an official announcement from Shueisha.
“The first thing I am going to say is that I hope that the anime comes out soon. Now this could be obvious I mean who doesn’t want it to come out soon, but when you compare the time between Golden Wind’s Ending and the announcement date of the Stone Ocean anime, that totals up to 616 days… And if you compare Stone Ocean’s anime ending and now, we are at 581 days. So I hope we get some sort of announcement soon,” Jojodose said in a YouTube video.
According to the Anime News Network, the synopsis for JoJo’s Bizzare Adventures: Steel Ball Run is as follows:
“America, 1890. The longest and largest race ever, the Steel Ball Run, is about to start. It’s a race from San Diego, California all the way to New York City, New York, and while horses are the traditional racing medium, anything can be used. The winner is the one with the most points, via checkpoint placement, when they reach New York. The prize: $2,000,000. Gyro Zepelli, a mysterious man with an equally mysterious steel ball, is planning on winning the race. Johnny Joestar (JoJo) is a former jockey who’s cockiness got him paralyzed from the legs down. An accidental contact with the steel ball made his leg twitch, so he’s in the race the learn about Gyro’s steel ball. But the challenges of Diego Brando, a popular European jockey, Pocoloco, a slave with the Devil’s Luck, Sandman, a native american who is sprinting all the way to NYC, and others will make it hard for Gyro and JoJo to win.”