Announced earlier today, the streaming service Apple Tv+ has ordered 8 episodes of a Hawaiian historical drama that stars and is created by Jason Momoa (Aqua Man, Justice League), according to TVline. Titled Chief of War and co-created alongside Thomas Pa’a Sibbett (Braven, The Last Manhunt), the series “follows the epic and unprecedented telling of the unification and colonization of Hawaii from an indigenous point of view,” according to the listed show description. Director of three Hunger Games movies, Francis Lawrence, is also slated to act as tertiary executive producer alongside Pa’a Sibbett and Momoa.
In addition to the already announced executive producers and show co-creators, Doug Jung (Mindhunter, Banshee) will be serving as showrunner, and Justin Chon (Pachinko) is currently in talks regarding his involvement in directing the first two episodes.
Though not much is known about exactly which elements of Hawaiian history will receive the spotlight in the upcoming series, it is likely it will feature some combination of the conquests of King Kamehameha I and his successful unification of the ‘then-separate’ Hawaiian island kingdoms, as well as the imprisonment and exile of Queen Liliuokalani from office as well as the eventual annexation of the Hawaiian islands. How this could or would be reconciled with the nearly 150-year gap in-between the two events if they were to be featured is certainly a question the show writers would need to answer.
You can find future updates to the series development here.