‘Jack Ryan’ Star Wendell Pierce Talks About Playing James Greer

In Jack Ryan, Wendell Pierce (The Wire, Suits) plays James Greer, CIA operative and field boss of the titular character played by John Krasinski (A Quiet Place, The Office). While Greer has little patience for enemies of the United States, he’s just as prepared as Jack to sacrifice his life for his country. Pierce sat down to discuss the show with The Hollywood Reporter.

One of the elements Pierce discussed was his connection to the series. “ I’ve always been a fan of Jack Ryan; the Jack Ryan books and movies,” he said. “And this was an opportunity to get into those storylines in the long form of a TV series and dig a little deeper. And they said they would actually open it up a little bit and make it a real origin story and make it part of the CIA, and not just military intelligence; so, I thought the opportunity to work on anything that had to do with Jack Ryan was a great opportunity. Then once I started to do my research, what was amazing was to actually go to the CIA and see that it actually looked like the country. That was the biggest surprise! People inside of the CIA really reflected the country. And then I met my consultant, a guy named Mel — we’ll leave it at that, I don’t know if that is his real name — and he was a great insight into what it is to be an African American officer in the CIA.”

Pierce also discussed his stunts in season two. “Yeah, that was an intense season when it comes to stunts!” he said. “I would put that high up there. But I had a stunt this season where I’m coming out of a cold river, and I was in the river. People underestimate the currents of rivers (laughing). No acting required! When you see me coming out of that river, it’s like “I got to get the hell out of here, or they are going to find me well down the Danube, you know”! It was terrifying! Season two was a little more heavy-lifting for me. But that’s the two aspects of being an intelligence officer. There is the chess match, the intellectual analysis, and kind of study of human behavior, which is so important in gaining other people’s trust and gaining them as an asset. And then you have the military action and physical nature. And when you become in a leadership position, you do the former a little bit more, but you still get into the field every once in a while.”

Pierce discussed the possibility of a spinoff series featuring his character. “As a good officer would say, I have no idea,” he said. “As this CIA officer, I have no idea. But I would hope that the impact of this season is worthy enough for consideration of other incarnations of this story. I think it’s great to do; I think it’s entertaining. I think it’s fascinating, personable and at the same time, its action-filled.”

Read the full interview here. Jack Ryan streams new episodes weekly on Prime Video.

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