Boy Meets World was a ’90s classic, telling the tale of a young boy experiencing all the highs and lows of a normal suburban life. Fans were regaled with off-the-wall humor, occasional poignancy, and the comfort of childhood. The series ended in 2000 after a seven season run.
Girl Meets World, Boy Meets World‘s twenty first century offshoot, premiered on the Disney Channel in 2014. It takes characters from the original series’ world; including, but certainly not limited to, the quintessential ’90s couple Cory and Topanga. Girl Meets World takes us into the world of Riley Matthews, the spunky daughter of Cory and Topanga. Occasionally the series would throw in a guest appearance or recurring roles to members of the original series and keep the nostalgia factor strong.
Rider Strong was one of those that returned to the Disney show. He resurrected his character of the suave Shawn Hunter, and has since become attached to the show in other ways. According to Deadline, Strong recently spoke about Girl Meets World in his podcast Literary Disco. It was there that he said, “We finished the third season of Girl Meets World — my brother and I were directing a lot of episodes and I acted in a couple — and the show ended.”
Rumors of the end of Girl Meets World have not been verified by Disney sources, but it’s apparent that a renewal after this upcoming season is unlikely. After all, the series finale for the third season is entitled “Girl Meets Goodbye.” Within that episode, even more Boy Meets World alumni will appear, such as Will Friedle, Lee Norris, William Russ, and Betsy Randle, among several others.
Girl Meets World returns on January 6th.