Graffiti Pops Up on David Schwimmer’s New East Village Mansion

Someone has spray painted “ROSS IS NOT COOL” on David Schwimmer’s in-progress mansion in East Village, New York City, announced The Hollywood Reporter.

Schwimmer has torn down an old East Village home in order to build his new mansion, and someone is not happy about it. The phrase is obviously a poke at his character on Friends, and more than likely related to the fact that the historic home he had demolished was built in 1854.

When the house was originally destroyed in 2011 an angry message was found on the construction site. It read, “The destruction of an irreplaceable historic building for what??? Another ugly yuppie ghetto catering to monied transients + Euro-Trash!!! F—k you + your ugliness,” quoted by The Hollywood Reporter.

The New York Post noted Schwimmer demolished the property even after being informed it could receive landmark status by the end of 2012. In addition to the negative responses, there has been at least one positive remark by a manager of a local coffee shop near the residence. Greg Bahdanowycz said, “Personally I’m for it. The old building was…an old pile of crap. I just thank God it’s not [becoming] a towering condominium.”

The Hollywood Reporter has said there have been no comments from Schwimmer or anyone representing the actor.

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