Exactly one month away from the premiere of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, we’ve been graced with our first in-depth look at our beloved Stars Hollow. In the past few months we’ve gone through teasers, posters, and even pop-up restaurants, but nothing quite put us back in Amy Sherman-Palladino’s world–until today.
In a brief two minutes and twenty-six seconds, we’re hit with things that excite us (Luke and Lorelai!?), sadden us (giant picture of Edward Herrmann, you make me tear up at 4:00 in the afternoon and will also probably haunt my nightmares), and just straight-up confuse us (who invited Kirk to Friday night dinner? And was that a pig running through Stars Hollow?).
The new trailer sets the scene for the revival without giving too much away. A Year in the Life begins ten years after Gilmore Girls originally left off. After traveling with Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, Rory (Alexis Bledel) is seen adjusting to her new on-the-road lifestyle, reuniting with old boyfriends and the town from her childhood. Even Emily (Kelly Bishop) has new emotional ground as she faces her new life as a widow, but given Sherman-Palladino’s finesse, I’m confident we can see Emily in as many hilarious moments as well as heartbreaking ones.
You can also watch the trailer here and decipher the happiness and madness for yourself:
Netflix’s Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life will be released in four parts on November 25, 2016. Start stocking up on coffee now!