The long-running horror anthology series American Horror Story is preparing to premiere its upcoming spin-off series American Horror Stories. Set to air on FX, the network has released the spinoff’s first-look teaser trailer, according to Screen Rant. Previously revealed to be in the works by the parent series’ creator Ryan Murphy (Glee, Hollywood), the show will consist of 16, one-hour episodes for its first season. Despite the release of the teaser trailer, there is not an expected nor an announced premiere date for the spinoff series.
American Horror Stories will reportedly center on the investigation of varying horror tropes and horror storytelling myths through its different episodes. Unlike its parent show, each episode within the series will be an anthology following different characters and new cast members. Despite the show’s description being kept largely under wraps, it has previously been reported that the spinoff program will include the return of various stars and characters from the parent show, American Horror Story, according to Screen Rant. However, these names have not been made available to the public at this time.
The short teaser trailer was first premiered during the NBC broadcast of the Golden Globes. The clip comes in at twelve seconds but shows some of the various gory and horror symbols and themes that were made famous in the parent show American Horror Story. Check out the teaser trailer below: