Freeform has officially ordered a pilot for the upcoming comedy Single Drunk Family, as Variety reports. The series follows alcoholic Samantha Fink, played by Sofia Black-D’Elia (The Mick), when she’s forced to get back on her feet by moving back home with her “Smother,” played by Ally Sheedy (The Breakfast Club).
Alongside D’Elia and Sheedy, the Freeform series will star Rebecca Henderson (Russian Doll) as Olivia, a melancholic lesbian who works with Alcoholics Anonymous, Garrick Bernard (Foxes) as James, a drunk who works in the tech industry, and Lily Mae Harrington (Some Freaks) as Samantha’s drinking buddy named Felicia. Simone Finch (The Conners) is slated to write and executive produce the pilot.
Black D’Elia is represented by UTA and Brookside Artist Management while Sheedy is represented by Innovate Artists and Red Letter Entertainment.Henderson is represented by Framework Entertainment and Schreck Rose, Harrington is repped by Gersh and Goodman Genow, and Bernard is represented by WME, Mosaic, and Ziffren. No news regarding the series’ production or release date have been release yet.