According to an article via Variety, Family Guy, the animated adult comedy series, is set to return to Adult Swim in 2025 after a four-year absence from the network. The beloved show, created by Seth MacFarlane (American Dad, The Cleveland Show), has been on air for 23 seasons and continues to entertain audiences with its irreverent humor and eccentric characters.
The series will kick off with a three-day marathon starting on January 1, airing back-to-back episodes from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. ET/PT. Afterward, episodes will be broadcast every weeknight from 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. ET/PT.
Family Guy first debuted on Fox in 1999 but was canceled after only three seasons due to low viewership. However, the show’s reruns on Adult Swim attracted strong ratings, and solid DVD sales contributed to its revival. In 2005, Fox brought the series back, and it is now in its 23rd season. The current season began with a holiday special on Hulu on October 14, followed by another on November 25. The remainder of the season is scheduled to air on Fox in 2025.
Family Guy left Adult Swim in 2021 when its licensing agreement expired. The show’s reruns then moved to FXX, where it became exclusive to the network for its off-network run. The new deal with Adult Swim is now non-exclusive, allowing the show to air on other platforms as well.
The series centers around the eccentric Griffin family, with MacFarlane, who plays Peter, and Alex Borstein (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Mad TV), who plays his wife, Lois, living in blissful ignorance in Quahog, Rhode Island. Their three children — Meg, played by Mila Kunis (That ’70s Show, Luck); her brother, Chris, played by Seth Green (Robot Chicken, Austin Powers); and the genius baby Stewie, played by MacFarlane — each add their own quirks to the family’s dynamic. Brian, the talking, cocktail-drinking dog, who is also played by MacFarlane, completes the household.
“Adult Swim has played a significant role in Family Guy‘s early history, and we’re thrilled to welcome the series back to our lineup in 2025,” said Michael Ouweleen( Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Birdgirl), president of Adult Swim. “Its return will be a fantastic addition to the incredible lineup of animated originals we have planned for next year.”
As Family Guy makes its highly anticipated return to Adult Swim in 2025, it reaffirms its place as one of this generation’s most enduring animated series. With its unique blend of humor, cultural references and memorable characters, the show continues to captivate both new and longtime fans.