‘Dragon Ball’ In Disarray: Report Claims Power Struggle After Creator’s Death

The future of the beloved Dragon Ball franchise which aired back in 1986 appears uncertain. Throughout the years, the franchise has had numerous series and films. Following the passing of legendary manga artist Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball Z) in March, new report suggests the series is embroiled in internal disputes. According to Comicbook, the report appeared in the Weekly Toyo Keizai and detailed the dispute between the franchise’s head, Shueisha, and Akin Iyoku (V Jump), who was close to the departed.

Within the magazine, an anonymous insider from Shueisha broke down the argument, which was noted to have started back in 2023. The insider states that Iyoku left his position as the head of the franchise’s room, created his organization, Capsule Corporation and tried to acquire an IP license.

According to the insider via Comicbook, “Toriyama-sensei was also dissatisfied with Iyoku being removed [from Shueisha] as he trusted him the most. Chairman Horiuchi of Shueisha event went directly to Toriyama’s residence.” As this power divide became known within the industry, companies like Bandai Namco, which licenses Dragon Ball, were put in a difficult position, putting even more pressure on the Shueisha vs. Iyoku front.”

They continued in explains with,”Iyoku-san, who was Toriyama-sensei’s spokesperson, became independent but the rights to the [Dragon Ball] manga were managed by Shueisha. It was unclear who to consult regarding matters related to the original work.”

While detail is scarce, this news is undoubtedly concerning for Dragon Ball fans, leaving them with questions about the franchise’s future, which will include the anime, manga and merchandise. The franchise has captivated audiences for decades, and whether Shueisha and Akin will find common ground to navigate the struggle remains to be seen. The entirety of Dragon Ball is available to stream on Hulu, with the new addition dubbed Dragon Ball Daima coming soon, sometime this fall.

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