There are two sides to every story. Typically there is a hero and a villain, but for the upcoming Showtime limited series event, The Comey Rule, it’s not so simple. Based on A Higher Loyalty written by former FBI Director James Comey, the show details the events of the 2016 election and Comey working with newly elected President Donald Trump as a result. But instead of focusing on Comey’s side of the story, a new trailer released on Thursday took a different approach. This time it focuses on Trump via Entertainment Weekly.
In The Comey Rule’s newly released trailer, Trump is heard saying on the phone, “Comey, he’s a dishonest guy.” He is no longer lurking in corners or whispering into anyones ears inaudibly, a contrast to previous previews for the upcoming political drama. Instead Trump takes center stage, eating McMuffins, threatening to arrest reporters for telling “fake news,” and sidling up to Comey. Trump is seen as glaringly frank and forthright about not wanting Comey to investigate Russia’s interference with the 2016 presidential election. But, it’s no matter as the trailer depicts the FBI deciding they must investigate President Trump himself in order to find out the truth.
Brendan Gleeson (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs) portrays Donald Trump and the resemblance is uncanny. He is picture perfect with the exact same hair, clothes, and voice. Gleeson is a British actor but there is not a trace of his origins as he fully embraces the trademark New York accent in playing the 45th president of the United States of America. Appearing with a scowl on his face throughout the new trailer, he has the aura of a bully trying to steal another kid’s lunch money through intimidation and threats. Comey and him go head to head as tension rises and loyalty is questioned.
The Comey Rule will be a two night event on Showtime airing two hour longs episodes on September 27 and 28. Jeff Daniels (Dumb & Dumber) is playing the stressed out and conflicted Comey, fighting for justice. Anxious and wary as he worries for America’s fate, Comey asks in the trailer, “He’s the President, am I supposed to refuse his call?” Themes of truth and loyalty run through the veins of The Comey Rule as it shows two men fighting for glory.
Watch Gleeson become Trump’s twin in the trailer for the upcoming miniseries: