The international streamer, Start, will be developing a limited series adaptation of Fyodor Dostovesky’s (Demons) iconic novel, “Crime and Punishment,” according to Variety. Vladimir Mirzoyev (Russian Death) will direct the eight-episode drama series, which will center around the book’s protagonist, Rodion Raskolnikov and his sister Dunya.
Crime and Punishment will follow the desperate Rodion, who commits petty theft after being pressured by a dark force. Consumed by guilt, he is led to murder an old woman.
“We love to play with new styles and genre tropes, and we’re excited to give a fresh breath to this iconic IP and transfer it to modern times,” EVP of sales and acquisitions at Start, Daria Bondarenko, said in a statement. “What would these characters look like now? What influences their choice? And, finally, with the incomprehensible logic of crime, what would force an ordinary St. Petersburg student to move to the dark side – his inner demons, or someone more powerful, the Devil?”
“This new adaptation of the novel brings new perspectives and interpretations to a classic story. It is not only the story of Rodion Raskolnikov, but also the story of his sister Dunya,” Mirzoev said. “They look alike and they have similar characters. But what’s most important, although it is not so obvious, is that they are both heroes. They are both passionate, proud and incapable of surrender.”
No cast for the series has been attached yet.