Earlier in the week, according to Variety, Comcast NBC Universal announced that they would be donating $1 million dollars to the OneOrlando fund, set up by the mayor, to help the victims of the Orlando shooting that happened at gay nightclub Pulse.
Their donation comes after Disney offered $1 million dollars to the OneOrlando fund.
The massacre that occurred at Pulse nightclub ended the lives of 49 innocent individuals and injured 53 others. While dancing the night away and celebrating life, love and happiness they were fired upon by a madman with an automatic weapon.
The shooting at Pulse nightclub was the largest massacre in US history and has affected people all over the world. The days following the devastation, many cities held vigils or dance parties to show solidarity for the people of Orlando, the gay community, and humanity in general.
The OneOrlando fund was set up by Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer because he wanted to find a way to help the victims of the shooting. After “giving a lot of thought” to how they could help, NBCUniversal CEO Steve Burke said they wanted to do, “What we could do as a company to honor and support the victims and acknowledge this profound loss.”
The CEO of Universal Parks and Resort, Tom Williams, wrote a message on the Universal Orlando blog in response to the donation.
“Like so many other organizations and families in Orlando, those of us at Universal Orlando have lost people who were close to us — team members and members of our extended family. We are doing everything we can to take care of the families of those we lost and of all our team members as they grieve,” he wrote. “In fact, we will be holding a private remembrance event tonight that will involve Universal theme parks across the globe.”
It is truly a tragedy what happened in Orlando that night. Yet it is as a united people that we remember the victims and keep their families in our thoughts.
Many individuals have reached out to support the community in some way. Messages from all over the world of support, love, and compassion have been shared online. Even blood donations with lines down the road to help those injured during the shooting.
It is important to remember these people and do what we can, like Disney and NBCUniversal, because We Are Orlando.
So, if you’d like to make a donation to help the victims of the shooting you can find them here: Pulse Victims Fund or OneOrlando.
If you are unable to contribute financially, share the links and spread a positive message.