Big Brother Contestant Confronted

Aaryn Gries was finally confronted in the house about her racist comments.  Unfortunately–she did not care!

The controversy in the Big Brother house has had a massive effect on the world outside the house.  The comments have been making headlines and GinaMarie and Aaryn have lost their jobs due to their crudeness within the house.

After a discussion outside about Aaryn commenting on segregated black and white fish, fellow Houseguest Amanda confronted her about her constant racist remarks.  Aaryn responded by saying, “I appreciate you telling me that, but I really just think that is the most immature thing ever.  They call me Barbie and all sorts of s*** about me being blonde, so … what’s the difference? I wish that I cared more about this, but I don’t.”

Buddy TV thought the moment was “hard to watch.” On the Today website, they agreed it was hard, but partially because of how extensively it was edited. They said that on the live feeds, Aaryn denied ever saying anything racist in the house. Except those same live feeds are what first captured all the times that she did, viewers who watched the live feed were appalled at first, and originally CBS did not air the comments, though they finally aired some of the offensive material in the most recent episodes.

After all of the controversy and wondering, it’s official that Aaryn simply doesn’t see her wrongdoings, and is decidedly not sorry.  Of course, she has yet to find out that her modeling agency has fired her because of her behavior on the show.  She will be in for a rude awakening when she is eliminated and returns to the real world.

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