American Horror Story is an enigma to begin with, and now, adding to its mystique, is the fact that show-runner Ryan Murphy has announced that the Season 6 theme will not be revealed until the show premieres on September 14th.
The show has released six teasers for its upcoming season, all which left viewers trying to piece the puzzle together and make sense of their very arcane imagery. After finishing the teasers, viewers were left with several different ideas about what this season’s theme could possible be; guesses included the mystery of the lost Roanoke colony, an orphanage, or the American frontier. It actually turns out that the AHS team has tricked us all.
According to Deadline, FX Networks CEO John Landgraf has stated that five of the six trailers are misdirects and only one of them is accurate. Unlike what most people thought, the six teasers have no relation to one another. The trailers have created a very deliberate confusion surrounding the theme of the upcoming Season 6. Ryan Murphy had the season marketed this way because he wants it to be a big mystery — though it is hard to believe that American Horror Story could be any more of a mystery.
“There is a theme and a setting and a place in time but we aren’t going to reveal it because we think it would be fun for the audience for it to be a surprise this year,” said Landgraf, at the Television Critics Association summer press tour on Tuesday.
If this lack of a reveal seems disheartening, keep in mind that the theme may already be out there. TMZ released photos from the AHS set featuring a colonial house, hinting at a possible Croatoan theme, exploring the missing Roanoake colony. When the colony vanished, the only clue left behind was the word CROATOAN — the name of a native tribe — carved into a tree.
Ryan Murphy has dropped hints by stating that this season has “elements of children,” given that their innocence can be entryway into several different worlds.
Check out the teasers here, in a previous article from mxdwn.
American Horror Story Season 6 premieres Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 10/9c on FX.