GLOW’s third season delivered even bigger, better, and funnier episodes than its previous seasons. It was a new adventure for the gorgeous ladies of wrestling when they moved to Las Vegas to perform live stage shows at the Fan-Tan Hotel and Casino under the guidance and control of the casino’s entertainment director, Sandy Devereaux St. Clair (Geena Davis).
Alison Brie plays the remarkable Ruth Wilder who goes through her own personal conflictions and faces the consequences of tragedy for this season. “It’s pretty cool moving these characters to Las Vegas because it really feels like a departure from our first two seasons in a lot of ways,” Brie said. “Vegas brings a lot of different types of things out of people. There’s a very distinct arc to this season in terms of how the ladies relate to Las Vegas. It starts out being kind of exciting and dangerous and sexy. In the first two seasons we’ve watched them clawing their way.”
Actors’ experiences and socializing onset usually push them towards someday directing. The same fate was meant for Alison Brie when she made her directorial debut in GLOW’s seventh episode in the third season.
“I think a great advantage to being an actor who steps into directing is that we (actors) have the opportunity to work with so many different types of directors,” Brie explained. “You get to see what works well, what doesn’t work as well, especially, specifically to the GLOW set. It’s our third season, so I’ve watched a lot of our regular directors come through and also new directors. I know how our cast responds to it. I know what they like and I know what they don’t like. Everyone was very supportive. It was a blast.”
Regarding some possibly hopeful news for a season four, Brie doesn’t know whether or not it will happen. “We’re crossing our fingers,” she said. “I fully support anyone wanting to go online and voice their support for the show. It couldn’t hurt.”
Season three of GLOW is available to stream on Netflix.