Television series producer Marta Kaufman (Friends) returns to broadcast television with drama-based series The Dreamers based on a small college town fiction. The series is based off of Karen Thompson Walker’s (The Age of Miracles) New York Times bestselling novel according to Deadline.
“Marta Kauffman is a legend and a hero to a generation of writers and audiences alike, and she’s as talented and funny now as ever,” said Fox 21 Television Studios President Bert Salke (Boomtown) via Deadline.
Dreamers is written by both Kauffman and daughter Hannah K.S Canter (Seeing Alfred), and transforms the novel-based series into a livelihood television series based on a mysterious sickness. A sickness that forces victims into sleep and triggers life-altering dreams.
Earlier this year, Kauffman received the Producers Guild prestigious Norman Lear Achievement Award due to her impact in the craft of the television-based world. Kauffman is also well-known for her female-led production company, Okay Goodnight. A production company that produced all of Grace Frankie series episodes. The female-led production team includes her right-hand trustees: Tollin and Canter.